The Science of Selling – Part 3

About The Science of Selling – Part 3

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On the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) we find thousands of observant Jews in Jerusalem to celebrate and when the Holy Spirit fell on the 120 with tongues of fire, (followed by them being able to speak in many languages they had not learned), the crowd mocked them. Peter got up to speak and silenced the crowd with an amazingly powerful presentation, but there was one thing at the culmination that changed everything, without which there may not have been any conversions. But that one thing was present in his speech and 3000 folks made a decision that would cost many their lives, most of them financially and all of them their reputations. Find out that one thing...

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Everyone lives with pain. Most learn how to ignore it. It could by physical pain, emotional pain, financial pain, etc. Your job is to find the pain your prospects are living with, draw it to the surface of the conversation, so they will be motivated to relieve that pain with your solution!

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It's not that there aren't enough prospects with pains (problems) you can solve, there's a reason they're not disclosing that pain. Learn that reason and what you can do about it.

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An amazing but true story found in the book of Numbers where Balaam's donkey instructs him using the art of questions. If a donkey knows how to make the sale using questions, don't you think it might be time to learn those same skills too?

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