“The entrance of your words gives light. It gives understanding to the simple.” (Psalm 119:130)
Some mysteries are only discovered when you turn over the rock, dig a little deeper, look where others are passing by. Such was the case with Psalm 119:130
When I looked at the Hebrew word for “entrance”, (פֵּתַח pêthach), it turns out that is the only time in the entire Bible, that Hebrew word is used. It literally means to make a declaration, statement or disclosure in a lucid and perfectly clear utterance.
There’s something about speaking, declaring and stating whatever God says, that brings light, and by implication, life to any situation. It was John who said, “In HIM was LIFE and the LIFE was the LIGHT of men.”
I read the Scriptures quite often, but recently decided to read them out loud. After all, it was Paul who said that, “faith COMES BY HEARING”.
Think about it for a moment… You can have a thought, either positive or negative about someone. But that thought is like a seed buried in your mind or heart. It’s not until it’s spoken that it has life or death. As Solomon wrote in Proverbs 18:21… “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…”
When David said, “the “pethach” of your word gives light”, he was referring to the speaking of whatever God has said, that gives light, and by implication, life. That changes my perception of this passage from one of passively letting God’s word gain entrance to my heart, to one of purposefully taking His word in my mouth and speaking it out loud, whether to myself or to others.
When you speak out loud the wisdom, counsel and Word of God, it brings light for your path.

The light that comes from reading or declaring is contingent upon the subject matter. In Psalm 119:130, David chose a Hebrew word to identify specifically what we should be declaring, which includes all of God’s words, matters, counsel and business.
The “light” that it brings has the effect according to its ancient usage, of something similar to the breaking of day when the sun rises and dispels all darkness. What a welcome relief daybreak can be!
The word translated as “understanding” in that verse, means the ability to discern and distinguish. It’s easy to discern between hot and cold, dark and light, but it can be difficult to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. But God’s Word can. (Hebrews 4:12) And we often need that discernment when functioning in the business arena.
Why? Well, if you happen to be unskilled in this area, and are easily persuaded and enticed with flattering words, you are the Biblical definition of “simple”. That’s not an insult. We were all born simple. Some of us stayed that way longer than others. And the simple get taken in business dealings every day of the week.
There’s much more that could be said about this passage, but I wanted to leave it with you to consider, for your own edification. And as I sometimes do, I wrote my own “fully amplified” version (MQP – AMP). Here it is for your edification.
Have a blessed day!
P.S. In the soon coming days, I’m going to share four very personal, faith-building stories with you. I trust they will serve to build your faith and encourage your walk with Jesus.
I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for commenting Susie. We greatly appreciate!
Blessings, Michael
Wow! This is profound. I am a simple man but have been taken advantage of a lot in business but never understood the connection to speaking out the word of God!
Me neither Bill. Thanks for sharing your comment. A lot of us could use this help I believe.
Thank you for sharing this. We have been teaching and encouraging our church family to speak and declare the word of God in prayer. There is nothing more powerful than agreeing with God’s word in prayer. God bless you.
Right on Ate! Thank you for posting your comment!
Blessings, Michael
Thank you for sharing this with me.
Hi Harold! Thanks for posting your comment.
Blessings, Michael
Michael, thank you for giving me pause this morning. As always, I find some wonderful nugget to ponder.
Thank you Cheryl. So nice of you to comment!
Blessings, Michael
I was just teaching the power of a word in my adult class this month. Good word brother and timely. I will share it with my class with you as the author. With your permission.
So glad it was a blessing Toby and am glad you will be sharing it with others.
Blessings, Michael
Thank you for sharing what the Lord revealed to you. What a blessing and directional word. Thank you.
Thank you for posting your comment Brenda!
Thank you for sharing. I have been declaring the Word of God on me, my family and business for quite some time and the changes are amazing! This is part of the renewing our mind outlined in Romans 12: 1-2!
Thank you!
You are most welcome Joie!
Michael, I agree. I’m elite men’s coach and I instruct all my clients to always read God’s Word ALOUD so that they speak His Truth into their lives! Because of this, I’ve witnessed many breakthroughs, transformations and modern day miracles!
– Joseph Warren
WOW Joseph! That’s awesome. “Is not My word like a hammer?” (Jeremiah 23:29)
Bless you brother!
Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome sir! Thanks for posting a comment!
Thank YOU for posting a comment Robert!
Thank You
You are most welcome! Thanks for commmenting!
Thank you for an enlightening morning. I do read many scriptures out loud but upon reading your “fully amplified” version (which I very much like), I see I need to look up more words in Hebrew (O.T.) and Greek (N.T.).
Thank you Elke… I believe I will share more of these in the future.
Appreciate you posting your comment!
Blessings, Michael
that is awesome and very insightful. thank you
Thank you Scott! I was pretty jazzed when I found it myself.
Blessings, Michael
Thanks Mike, I will definitely share what God has given you in light of HIS word. Thanks again
Thank you George! God bless you my brother!
Truly the Word of faith….faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God..by speaking it out loud we bring it to life! Rejoicing with you!
Indeed Linda! Thank you for sharing your comment. That helps us!
Very apt in this year of decree & declaration
Yes Alison! Thank you for posting your comment!
Thanks Michael, well put and so applicable!
Thank you Kaaren for posting. Much appreciated!
I loved this. I hadn’t thought about this particular scripture in a long time but just this morning I was reading book that talked about what’s required to successfully make life changes. The author identified 3 types of choices. Fundamental, primary and secondary. I’m working on not responding to (being moved by) circumstances. Circumstances changes. Gods word doesn’t. Tying in what you said with what I had read, it reminded me that speaking Gods word is a fundamental choice. All other choices hang on that one.
Great observation Svea! Thanks for sharing!
Blessings, Michael
“Let the Words of my mouth and the
Meditations of my heart be acceptable….”
Amen Tim!
Thank you, so kindly for sharing and feeding my hungry heart. Its been tough the last several months. And, nothing compares to the greatness of Gods love and complete faithfulness in my life. Hes given me proof of life! Without him, i am nothing. But because of him i have everything!
You are so welcome Michelle… Keep feeding on His Word and in the process, feed on Him. He is life and that is something we all need more of.
Blessings, Michael
Could you explain how to react to a person in business that takes advantage of me in a deal can still walk in gods path and say he does.
Hi Ken;
Not sure I’ve got the full picture, but if you’re wondering how to respond to a brother in Christ can take advantage of someone (i.e. you) and then feel no remorse, stating that he is on God’s path, you should go to him and lay out how you feel about what happened, and ask him if and how, he sees it differently. Sometimes, the offended person is the one in the wrong, because they misunderstood what happened. So go with an open mind. Having said that, if the brother is clearly in the wrong and you confront him with a firm but kind manner, and he blows you off, you can either let it go and count it as water under the bridge, and turn it over to God, or if you feel it warrants this, bring a couple elders to a meeting with this brother to see if that causes him to see the light. Either way, forgive him and move on.
Thank you Michael I really needed this, as a new entrepreneur I am having to walk a faith walk like never before, I must trust God in my business and personal matters that I’m dealing with now. As I trust Him he gives me little nuggets just like yours as encouragement.
Hi Estella… Thanks so much for commenting… May I recommend you check out God’s Best Kept Secrets? Here is the link for you…https://www.michaelpink.com/secrets/ It is perfect for entrepreneurs. Blessings, Michael
Thank you Michael, will begin to read and declare God’s Word aloud.
Bless you Vernon. We all need that!
Powerful message. Was already reading out loud Scriptures without the revelation.
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Much appreciated!
Michael, that is so powerful! I needed that reminder to SPEAK the word. Thank you for sharing that.
Hi Evelyn… So nice to hear from you again! Thanks for posting a comment!
That opens a perspective & practice of which we all should implement. His Word does such a wondrous work in our hearts and lives. Billy Graham was asked, late in life, what he wish he had done more and he said that he wished that he had read his Bible more. The practice of speaking memorized verses and/or reading out loud is a great practice. Thanks.
Thanks for commenting Roy… I just did a short video I will be uploading into the Jesus School of Business Facebook page. You might like that as well!
Blessings my brother, Michael
Thank you Michael for sharing this, a good “Light” reminder. 🙂
which I needed.
Blessings LaVonne
Thank you LaVonne for sharing your comment!
Wow!! God just spoke this EXACT WORD to me to study this past few weeks, & now you sent us this revelation, thank you! & thank you Jesus for the reminder🙌🏼Speak Lord, I am listening!!!!
Wow Ric!
How great is that!?! Thank you for sharing that encouraging word!
Blessings, Michael
Thankyou Michael! I agree, I no longer want to be enticed be simple(carnal) but by His Spirit that gives us wisdom and discernment.
Great resolve Rhondy. Thank you for posting your comment. That helps others and us!
Blessings, Michael
Thank you Michael! Praying for you and Judy!
God Bless!
Thank you Tom! What a blessing to hear from you again. You are a true hero my brother. Your life and experiences are a movie waiting to be made!
One brother in NZ stated that we have the power to declare, mandate and legislate the word of God.
Do you agree?
Hi Kim;
Not sure what that brother means by mandating and legislating the word of God, so I can’t agree or disagree without that understanding. However, I do agree that we do have the power to declare it, for certain! Thanks for posting Kim!
Micheal the timing of this is blog amazing. Thank you. My husband and I have been accepted as Candidates to be Missionaries for the people of Spain, in particular God has given us a heart for the refugees and migrants crossing the Gibaltrar straight and finding themselves on the shores of Spain. Their plight is heart=wrenching. We are in the process of raising funds. Our faith and trust in God is normally resolute…but last night we were hit with doubt as the time span to raise this is stretching our faith like never before. We had just prayed together, then i opened my email. Your blog was like a breath of fresh air to us. 😄 Blessing Micheal. Keep doing what your doing. May our Lord richly bless your day as you sow these important gleanings into the souls of others.
Thank you so much Glenda for sharing about what you and Geoff are doing! God reward you greatly for laying your life down for others. YOU both are an inspiration to me. Thank you for taking the time to comment as well. Bless you both!
Thank you for your kindness Mike. I appreciate you sharing your heart.
I appreciate your kindness and taking the time to show it on the blog. Bless you my brother!
Great word. Thanks
Thank you Peter!
Thanks Michael; I loved ur further amplification of this verse!
Thanks Caren!
Wow! Thank you for this very enlightening post. I’ve read this verse like a parrot for decades and I am blessed to have found out the real meaning even at this point in time. so much to learn before the rapture 🙂
Hi Roshie… Yes, we are all on a learning journey. God is so good!
Thank you for the insight
Thank you for posting your comment Judah!
Really blessed by this
Thank you for your comment Obasoro!
We so love the way you brought clarity to the word. Psalm. 119 is one of our favorite reading, proclaiming and mediating passages. We proclaim a loud God’s word to lighten our path and grow from glory to glory. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the encouragement. We appreciate you taking the time to comment!
And light begets light, which further dispels the night.
Thanks for the comment Farid.
Many thanks Michael for sharing His Godly wisdom! Some precious insight! Lisa
Thank you for posting your comment here Lisa!
That’s good- thank you.
You’re welcome Chet! Thanks for posting!
Michael, Thank you for sharing this scripture. When God has revealed a scripture to me, He always tells me to read it out loud. When it comes to declaring the Word of God, how do you do that when it comes to your financial debt?
Hi Kathleen… I thank God that He always causes me to triumph in Christ, that He has made me to be the head and not the tail and ask for His wisdom and the path forward that not only leads me out of that debt, but into a place of peace and freedom. Then I actively look for that and take action when a plan or way that I feel is from Him, comes into view.