God's Best Kept Secrets for Succeeding in Life & Business Without Breaking a Sweat or Joining The Pack!
101 Little Known Biblical Strategies And Powerful Secrets Discovered in Nature For Multiplying Your Sales, Succeeding in Business And Growing Your Faith!
"I cannot think of another "self-help" book that equals it! It is so packed with insight that I read it twice to absorb the content and I recommend it without reservation." Peter J. Daniels, World Center for Entrepreneurial Studies
"It's nothing short of amazing! With easy-to-apply formulas and step-by-step instructions, this series contains over 100 life-changing secrets and it only takes 1 to change your life." David & Jason Benham, Nationally Acclaimed Entrepreneurs
Taking Back The Gates introduces spiritual laws and foundational truths to help you succeed in the marketplace without having to work crazy hours or compromise your values. It taps into the realm of the supernatural where faith and grace collide to produce amazing, even miraculous results.
You’ll learn how to live by faith and produce more than all the striving in the world could ever do. That’s because living by faith is supposed to make life easier, not harder.
The bible contains a Divine Blueprint for success in life that God dictated to Moses that when applied to business gives you a huge advantage in the market.
Whether it’s the Negotiating Secrets of the Apostle Paul, the Presentation Strategies of the Apostle Peter, the Communication Secrets of Jesus, the Moses Questioning Strategy or more, the Divine Blueprint unfolds amazing strategies that have been proven highly effective in the marketplace.
In The Race is Not to the Swift, Solomon points out that the race isn’t always to the fastest person. That’s because there is an incredible, little known game changer found buried in the Hebrew text of the Bible nearly 10,000 times, but almost never translated.
That game changer points out that perfectly timed, divinely orchestrated events happen. By recognizing and cooperating with them, there is great success with relatively little effort and no stress is required.
The Perfect Business Model unsheathes the hidden wisdom God built into His creation and applies it to business.
When 7 conditions exist, trees have a virtually 100% success rate (compared to about 5% for startup businesses). They produce a product on a schedule following precise and consistent practices which can be emulated by the business. Due to their near-perfect success rate, it makes sense to study the processes that make them so successful.
Chapter 1. Taking Back The Gates of Commerce
Chapter 2. First Things First
Chapter 3. Walk With God - A Game Changing Strategy
Chapter 4. The Bible: God's Instruction Book for Life and Business
Chapter 5. Thinking the Thoughts of God
Chapter 6. How to Defeat the Giants in Your Life
Chapter 7. The Coming Wealth Transfer - Not Quite What You Think
Chapter 8. The Generosity Factor
Chapter 9. Discover the Genius in You
Chapter 10. How Freshly Poured Wax Can Save Your Business
Chapter 11. The Power of Now
Chapter 12. Godly Indignation: Rocket Fuel for Your Business
Chapter 13. Destroying the Yoke with Prosperity
Chapter 14. The Necessity of Desire
Chapter 15. Hesitation - The Killer of Dreams
Chapter 16. The Power of Understanding: How to Get it & Why it Matters
Chapter 17. Mercy and Truth - The Unfair Advantage
Chapter 18. Imagination: The GOD CARD
Chapter 19. Problems are Your Provision
Chapter 20. The Bigger Your Problem, The Bigger Your Opportunity
Chapter 21. The Lies We Believe Are What Hold Us Back
Chapter 22. Seven Wealth Building Secrets of Isaac
Chapter 23. Faith That Actually Works
Chapter 24. All Things Are Possible, or Was Jesus Just Kidding?
Chapter 25. You Only Think You've Been Trusting God
Chapter 26. Never Give Up - Taking Back What's Been Stolen
Chapter 27. Miracle Restoration
Chapter 28. Nice Guys Can (And Should) Finish First
Chapter 29. The Mustard Seed Fallacy
Chapter 30. Finding Abundance Right Under Your Nose
Chapter 31. The Rule of Three for More Effective Communication
Chapter 1. The Moses Questioning Strategy
Chapter 2. Negotiating Secrets of the Apostle Paul
Chapter 3. Presentation Strategies of the Apostle Peter
Chapter 4. God's Divine Blueprint for Success in Life & Business
Chapter 5. Seven Marketing Secrets Discovered in the Scroll of Isaiah
Chapter 6. God's Success Formula
Chapter 7. The Great Business Commission
Chapter 8. The Three Step Persuasion Process Jesus Promised
Chapter 9. How to Change Your Life Forever
Chapter 10. High Probability Selling (The Parable of the Sower)
Chapter 11. Selling Among Wolves
Chapter 12. Sixteen Qualifications for Corporate Leadership
Chapter 13. Gaining Market Domination
Chapter 14. Three Battles Every Leader Must Win
Chapter 15. Communication Secrets of Jesus - Know Your Stuff
Chapter 16. Communication Secrets of Jesus - Identity Shifting
Chapter 17. Communication Secrets of Jesus - Word Pictures & Illustrations
Chapter 18. Communication Secrets of Jesus. - The Power of Story
Chapter 19. Communication Secrets fo Jesus - Speak With Authority
Chapter 20. Communication Secrets of Jesus - 4 Ways to Establish Credibility
Chapter 21. Communication Secrets of Jesus - Be Substantive
Chapter 1. The Race is Not to the Swift
Chapter 2. Good Luck Favors the Prepared
Chapter 3. The Ultimate Shortcut - Discovering the "et" of God
Chapter 4. Timing Trumps Everything
Chapter 5. Outshine Your Competition: 17 High-End Service Strategies
Chapter 6. Belief and the E.A.S.Y. Close Sales Process
Chapter 7. Make Your Value Proposition So Compelling People Will...
Chapter 8. A Winning Formula for Creating Unbeatable Offers
Chapter 9. Binding the Strongman of False & Limiting Beliefs Increases...
Chapter 10. The Proper Use of Bonuses and Guarantees
Chapter 11. The Ephesian Model to Win Over Your Market
Chapter 12. The W.A.S.P. Memory Method
Chapter 13. Gaining High Resolution Clarity for Accelerated Growth
Chapter 14. Vision Gives Pain a Purpose
Chapter 15. Lead With Speed
Chapter 16. Leverage Through Others
Chapter 17. Top Ten Reasons Businesses Fail
Chapter 18. How Incremental Improvements Bring Monumental Increase
Chapter 19. Seven Laws of Multiplication - PROFITABILITY
Chapter 20. Seven Laws of Multiplication - VELOCITY
Chapter 21. Seven Laws of Multiplication - FREQUENCY
Chapter 22. Seven Laws of Multiplication - SCALABILITY
Chapter 23. Seven Laws of Multiplication - FEASIBILITY
Chapter 24. Seven Laws of Multiplication - PROBABILITY
Chapter 25. Seven Laws of Multiplication - LEVERAGABILITY
Chapter 26. Twelve Secrets for Developing a Winning Mindset
Chapter 1. God's Perfect Business Model
Chapter 2. Seven Success Secrets of a Tree
Chapter 3. Everything Starts With a Seed
Chapter 4. Seven Success Indicators for Startups
Chapter 5. Four Indicators for Picking the Right Market
Chapter 6. Three Primary Nutrients Every Startup Must Have
Chapter 7. Three Secondary Nutrients for Building a Sustainable Business
Chapter 8. Micronutrients for Maximum Success - God is in the Details
Chapter 9. Business Runs on Water
Chapter 10. Connect to the Power of Light
Chapter 11. The Warmth Factor - How Intensity Moves the Needle
Chapter 12. Problems Are Your Provision
Chapter 13. Seven Success Habits of Trees That Every Business Needs to Emulate
Chapter 14. The Only Two Things That Can Kill Your Business
Chapter 15. The Hidden Cost of Pests Can Sink You
Chapter 16. Seven Natural Strategies to Maximize Productivity
Chapter 17. Defeating the Pathogens That Defeat You
Chapter 18. Flower Power - How to Make Your Offer Irresistable
Chapter 19. Seven Laws of Natural Marketing
Chapter 20. The Seven Phases of Growth
Chapter 21. Seven Roles Every Business Must Fill
Chapter 22. Brazil Nut Effect - How to Profit Without Cash
(Buy onAmazon for $24.95 each or save 20% and buy direct from here...)
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"I cannot think of another “self-help book” that equals it!”
“Michael Pink’s was 4 volume book set, “GOD’S BEST KEPT SECRETS” has come to us at the right time with answers to guide aspiring entrepreneurs toward the pinnacle of their dreams. It is so packed with insight that I read it twice to absorb the content and I recommend it without reservation."
Peter J. Daniels
Founder of the World Center for Entrepreneurial Studies
"This foundational masterpiece is deep!"
"It's filled with practical business strategies and proven business models, all encoded in the Scripture. It's nothing short of amazing! With easy-to-apply formulas and step-by-step instructions, this book contains over 100 life changing secrets - and it only takes one to change your life."
David & Jason Benham
Best-Selling Authors,
Nationally Acclaimed Entrepreneurs
"An extraordinary book combining the natural & spiritual"
"...That will allow you to gain incredible insights into the nature of God in a way that will allow you to apply them in your business life for success as well as all areas of your life. Your life will be enriched by reading and applying the principles revealed in this book. Well done Michael!”
Os Hillman
Author of Today God is First,
Founder of Marketplace Leaders
"God’s Best Kept Secrets is a WOW book!"
"The culmination of the most important secrets (principles) the LORD has revealed to Michael during his life. Reading any one of the chapters will inspire you. Reading the book will absolutely transform your life and business."
Dr. Joseph Peck
President of Empower 2000
"Consuming and continually referencing this book is essential to your success!"
"“Father’s success secrets are throughout the Bible and in all of His creation; Everything He does is wired for success. The absolute amazing news about all that, is that Father uniquely gifted and called Michael Pink to gather and reveal the natural, spiritual, social, and relational truths for success for His Body in this age, at this time."
Rick Osborne
Founder of TranzformU with over 10 million of his books sold!
"One of America's greatest teachers..."
"You were born with the heart of William Wallace… As one of America’s Greatest Teachers and Evangelists with a destiny to knight businessmen and women in the army of God. It is an honor to know and learn from you. You are one of my hero’s."
John Beehner
CEO, Wise Counsel
"I cannot think of another “self-help book” that equals it!”
“Michael Pink’s was 4 volume book set, “GOD’S BEST KEPT SECRETS” has come to us at the right time with answers to guide aspiring entrepreneurs toward the pinnacle of their dreams. It is so packed with insight that I read it twice to absorb the content and I recommend it without reservation."
Peter J. Daniels
Founder of the World Center for Entrepreneurial Studies
"This foundational masterpiece is deep!"
"It's filled with practical business strategies and proven business models, all encoded in the Scripture. It's nothing short of amazing! With easy-to-apply formulas and step-by-step instructions, this book contains over 100 life changing secrets - and it only takes one to change your life."
David & Jason Benham
Best-Selling Authors,
Nationally Acclaimed Entrepreneurs
"An extraordinary book combining the natural & spiritual"
"...That will allow you to gain incredible insights into the nature of God in a way that will allow you to apply them in your business life for success as well as all areas of your life. Your life will be enriched by reading and applying the principles revealed in this book. Well done Michael!”
Os Hillman
Author of Today God is First,
Founder of Marketplace Leaders
"God’s Best Kept Secrets is a WOW book!"
"The culmination of the most important secrets (principles) the LORD has revealed to Michael during his life. Reading any one of the chapters will inspire you. Reading the book will absolutely transform your life and business."
Dr. Joseph Peck
President of Empower 2000
"You are among 'the best'"
"I was prompted to let you know how blessed your God gifted talent as an author inspires me, I say that with credibility after reading thousands upon thousands of books over the last 42 years + doing interviews, you are one of my top 10 best authors. Continue using God’s gift."
Herman Bailey
CTN Host
"Consuming and continually referencing this book is essential to your success!"
"“Father’s success secrets are throughout the Bible and in all of His creation; Everything He does is wired for success. The absolute amazing news about all that, is that Father uniquely gifted and called Michael Pink to gather and reveal the natural, spiritual, social, and relational truths for success for His Body in this age, at this time."
Rick Osborne
Founder of TranzformU with over 10 million of his books sold!
"Incredible resource!"
"All of it is really very helpful. This is an incredible resource! Keep up the good work"
Perry Atkinson
"One of America's greatest teachers..."
"You were born with the heart of William Wallace… As one of America’s Greatest Teachers and Evangelists with a destiny to knight businessmen and women in the army of God. It is an honor to know and learn from you. You are one of my hero’s."
John Beehner
CEO, Wise Counsel
"Amazing stuff!"
"An incredible series... It’s going to literally change your life. You’re going to get a lot of value from it. Get ahold of those books and share them! It’s all rooted in Scripture."
Glenn Bleakney
Founder, KingdomCommunity.tv