August 5


The Storm Has Arrived

By Michael Q. Pink

August 5, 2024

I wrote this blog on Sunday, August 4th but thought I would just post it today because I tend to get more readers on weekdays. Plus, it was storming so much that we had repeated tornado and flash flood warnings throughout the day and evening telling us to take immediate shelter.

Judy and I took shelter the best way we knew how. We prayed fervently.

I’ve always heard that a tornado sounds like an approaching freight train. Well last night at one point after one of many tornado warnings, we heard the sound of rushing wind like I had never heard before.

Our heads riveted towards each other, wondering if this was that which was spoken of by the Emergency Broadcast System. We then got up and prayed earnestly. The wind went away as quickly as it arose, and all was well.

As I retired for the night, I had a strong sense of anxiety that I quite frankly didn’t understand. After all, Hurricane Debbie was now north of us and it appeared the worst of the storm was over. I prayed and went to sleep.

Soon after, we lost power and it has been out for about 10 hours as I post this.  We received more rain than I have ever seen in the nearly 25 years I’ve lived here. Streets are flooded and in places impassible. Even the alligators are freaked out as they can now swim across the street in front of my house.

Undaunted, Judy and I braved the high water in our SUV and made our way to a Starbucks that was open, where we grabbed a snack, some coffee and 2 pup cups for Judah!

While driving, I heard on the radio that a global crash is occurring in the stock market, with Japan having its worst drop in history, and the Dow Jones was down 1100 points within minutes of opening. We’ll see where that goes in the coming days.

That news was followed by hearing that the Democratic nominee for president was pulled off the campaign trail, headed to the “Situation Room” for urgent talks regarding Iran and Israel. Obviously, something serious is brewing there.

With those developments in play, I thought I better go ahead and post the blog I wrote yesterday. It seems I was on to something. It begins with a continuation of my previous blog where I mentioned I would begin to unfold the ULTIMATE LIFE FRAMEWORK which is increasingly relevant with each passing day. So without further ado, here’s what I wrote yesterday…

There’s a 7-step process that yields everything you have or don’t have in life. Think of it as a manufacturing process, capable of producing anything, and limited only by your ability to believe.

You can call that faith if you like.

But if it’s so simple, why do so many struggle to even get a taste of the desires of their heart promised by God to those who delight in Him? (Psalm 37:4)

We’re told all the time; you just need more faith. But faith is a product (something produced). Hebrews 11:1 tells us that it’s a substance. That substance is the result of something.

It’s the result of a process. A process that very few know and even fewer, follow. I’ll be sharing that with you over the next several months, as it will become increasingly important to know in the coming massive disinformation campaign and disruptions meant to distract you from your purpose and derail you from your destiny.

That campaign will be in the form of very real (manufactured) events, which will be used like click bait to draw you away from the very thing that will sustain you, and into the very thing that works to destroy or enslave you.

That destroyer is called “fear”, but I will teach you how to be impervious to that wretched destroyer that only has the power of suggestion to work with.

Remember that the ones manufacturing the coming events are not the ones you see on the news… The perpetrators are the ones Paul named in Ephesians 6:12 (“principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”)

But they need accomplices.

The accomplices are the ones you see on the news or read about online. They are the real “useful idiots” who think they’re running the show, when in fact they’re being run by forces unseen.

And those unseen forces have limitations. They have boundaries that they routinely cross, that you and I are meant to restrain by the power and authority given to the ecclesia (church).

Didn’t Jesus say, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy”?

That restraining begins with preventing their inroads into our individual lives, our homes and families, as well as our communities.

Furthermore, I’m going to show you how to advance in times of turmoil. If you’re expecting to be whisked out of here before it gets turbulent, you’ll likely get sucked into the vortex and be left wondering, “What happened?”.

I’m going to show you how to prepare and thrive in turbulent times.

If I’m wrong and we do get whisked out of here before it gets rough, (as many suggest is imminent), where’s the harm? But if there’s some delay, as I firmly believe, and you’re not prepared for turbulence, how will that help others, let alone you?

To be clear, I’m not advocating a “head for the hills” mentality, nor am I advocating everything is going to be sunshine and roses. I’m advocating for your success in the coming turbulence, that you may emerge stronger spiritually, emotionally, financially and in every other good way you can think of.

By the way, you don’t need a prophetic gift to see the coming turbulence. It just takes a little knowledge of history and cycles and situational awareness, with a dash of common sense. And one more thing… Wake up and smell the coffee!

The reason people lack faith, and hence the results that faith produces is because they don’t know how to get there. They don’t know the process. They don’t even know there is a process.

God is pleased when you walk in all the good things He has for you. He takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants (Psalm 35:27).

If you had a child living on the streets of New York, homeless, destitute and hungry, but you had a home for them with everything they need or could possibly want, wouldn’t it be your highest desire for that wayward child to come and partake of all the good things you’ve laid up for them?

Isn’t that the story of the prodigal son? The father had abundance for him and upon his return, immediately clothed him and fed him with the finest food, and gave him a ring which was a symbol of authority, power and family identity.

I submit that you and I are living well below what the Father has for us.

And that’s on us. Not Him.

But people prefer to duck personal responsibility. Been doing that ever since Adam blamed God, after he ate the forbidden fruit. “It was the woman YOU GAVE ME!”, he said in his defense.

Eve blamed it on the serpent, but God would have none of it.

Neither should we.

People would rather attribute their lack of result to the will of God. In the most pious and convincing way, they say that the disaster such as their church burning down, must be God’s will.  After all, they reason, His ways are not our ways.

It’s true that our ways are not like His, but that’s to our discredit. If our ways were like His, our lives would be much different. Moses understood this well. (Psalm 103:7)

So once again, this blog is getting long, so I will end with the same word I ended with last time… It’s the first of the 7 steps.

It’s the step that sets everything in your life in motion.

It’s called INPUT.

There are two basic forms of input… The input you choose and the input thrust upon you.

The input thrust upon you is more than you probably realize, and I hope to open this up in my next blog.

Just know this in the meantime, that the input that assaulted you when you had no choice in the matter, has a resolution. But that resolution is a choice, and you must first realize that before you can act on it.

But I’ll get to that (hopefully) in my next blog. It’s resolved in Step Two of the Ultimate Life Framework. If you never want to miss a blog, scroll down and be sure to subscribe to receive notifications when something important is posted.

If you like the content I share with you, kindly pass it on to others, post it on your social media and give me your feedback as well.

Much love and peace and grace to you all!

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

  • I’m tracking with you on this! Excellent! Keep this topic coming… and faster! TIME is of the essence! Selah…

  • As always, powerful truth. I agree 100% with everything you have said. We need to stop blaming God for our lack of faith or trust in Him. God bless and glad you are safe after that storm.

  • Hi Michael, I enjoy your posts, they are life-giving and I bear so much witness with your approach to life and how to guard our hearts since out of it are the issues of life.

  • Times are a changing, but His Word never does! Exciting times to be alive and to witness the Salvation of the Lord. It’s hard to imagine what the world would look like without being under to shadow of His Wings. Hoping to hear that your electrical power has been restored! You are always such a blessing to us with your insights and revelations, so very much looking forward to installment #2 of your blog!

    • Hi Steve;

      You are always such a blessing to me my friend! Today is no exception!

      Our power went off around 1:30 AM and is still off. The power company originally estimated our power would be restored by 11:15 this morning. Now they are estimating it to be closer to midnight tonight. We’ve taken a few drives navigating flooded roads (with some U-Turns), in part to charge one of the phones up via the SUV and the other reason, to find some prepared foods. So far, so good.

      Blessings, Michael

  • Glad you and your family are ok. Looking forward to what more you have to say. Definitely a timely word. Thanks for sharing!

  • Thank you once again for bringing the commonsense truth to light. How I wish more people would WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE.

    Praise God that you and your family are safe.
    looking forward to your next message.

    • Hello Grace…I appreciate your support and like you, am praising God that we are safe. Waters have started to recede near us.

      Blessings, Michael

    • Hi Carol… Thank you for the imagery… I often feel bad stopping where I do, but otherwise it would be a book! (-:

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