July 3


Get Ready for Hell’s Gate…

By Michael Q. Pink

July 3, 2024

It does seem like for decades, not much happens, and then, in just a matter of weeks or even days, decades happen.

It reminds me of the Fraser River Canyon in British Columbia, where a normally peaceful river flowing through a grassy, tranquil plateau region, plunges into what is known as Hells Gate where an insane amount of water suddenly plunges through a rapidly declining, exceedingly narrow, solid rock gorge.

As you row, row, row your boat gently down the Fraser River, merrily, merrily, merrily upstream of Hells Gate, life is but a dream. Maybe even boring. But then those who are paying attention notice the subtle changes. The speed is picking up. The river is narrowing. The experienced boat captains are on high alert.

They know the signs and they know all Hell is about to break loose.

That’s why they call it Hells Gate. But this is not their first rodeo (to change metaphors for a second). They know how to navigate the rapids, the plunges, the rock cliffs, and the boulders mid-stream. This is where they thrive.

They don’t fear the storm. They were made for it. (Yet another metaphor)

This is their opportunity. And they are not afraid. They came for this. It didn’t catch them by surprise. And they’ve been preparing for it, long before the river became a torrent.

While they have a healthy respect for the soon approaching, highly turbulent waters, they know that it is the only path to the ocean, where bounty beyond calculation exists.

I share this analogy with you because I hear the sound of rushing water. It’s hard not to. It’s just that most people either ignore it or don’t know what it means. For some, it instills fear, but for you and me… get ready for the ride of your life. You may never see another one like it.

I don’t know the specifics, and neither do you. But I do know the sound of mighty rushing waters, the narrowing of the gorge and I can almost taste it.

Many on this river are pulling over to the side waiting to be rescued, believing the emergency evacuation is God’s plan. But I submit that we are called to invade the gates of Hell, rescuing others along the way.

Ours is not a gospel of fear, cowering and defeat. It is the gospel of the kingdom, not the refugee camp. Christ is the King of kings, not the prince of paupers. Ours is a gospel of victory. And victory can only be achieved against a backdrop of challenge and tribulations.

Don’t tap out before the river narrows.

You are needed in the battle. My heart’s cry is “Lord… please keep me on the field.” Sure, heaven is wonderful beyond imagination, but He didn’t put me on Earth so I could while the days away thinking about Heaven.

There is territory to be taken, victories to be won, the kingdom of God to be well represented as a witness to all nations before He returns. (Matthew 24:14) That’s more than just dropping a gospel track in Liberia or a radio signal in Siberia, as helpful as those things may be. It’s even more than preaching a really good sermon. “The kingdom of God is not in word, but in power” (1 Corinthians 4:20)

And power is best demonstrated… Not just talked about.

The world needs to see the kingdom of God demonstrated in front of their eyes, not just described as some future experience by someone who cannot demonstrate it to save their own life.

And guess what?

That demonstration can take place, in fact should take place in the open marketplace. The people who need it the most aren’t planning on being in church this Sunday… or next.

There are so many ways to demonstrate the kingdom of God. One of them is leading a victorious life in challenging circumstances.

God has abundantly provided you with EVERYTHING you need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him (2 Peter 1:3).

When you were born again and Jesus took up residence in you, He didn’t just drop off a lock of His hair. He took up residence with the Father AND the Holy Spirit inside you! (John 14:23) Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:19 is that you would be filled with ALL the fullness of God.

That’s HUGE!

I had a dream this past week, where I saw that I had, and indeed every believer has, something akin to a silver box in their chest with the fullness of God, so to speak inside. Everything you can possibly imagine to ask God for, He has put within that silver box. (“If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.” Mark 9:23)

Our problem is, it comes with a manual (the Bible) and a guide (the Holy Spirit) and we scarcely read the manual or consult with the Holy Spirit to know how to appropriate what He has already provided. And thus we beg and complain or blame God for our lack.

Do you have a smart phone, laptop or late model car that does things and has features you know come with it, but you don’t know how to access? Does your ignorance mean those features don’t exist or don’t really work?

Not at all! I just need to read the owners manual, maybe get on the phone with customer care. Same is true with your Christian experience.

Read the manual. Spend time with customer care (the Guide – John 16:13) and things will begin to change. Furthermore, you will begin to get excited about the rapids, and know that you will emerge into a brighter day, stronger and more vibrant than ever with new vistas and greater supply than you ever imagined!

I have found a seven step progression that I was going to tell you about in this blog to help you get there, but as you may have noticed already, it’s getting kinda long. So I will continue that in successive blogs. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss another life changing message.

Gotta run. Keep Pursuing God!

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

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  1. How interesting – Just 20 minutes ago I was telling a client of mine about my car accident adventure years ago in that exact Hell’s Gate canyon area of the Fraser Valley! Talk about God taking care of me – 150 feet down the canyon and I got out of it with one little cut and some scraps and bruises.
    I’ve been through some other Hell’s Gate versions of situations and circumstances in my life too – and God has always been faithful in seeing me through them. (Treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places.)
    I agree with you – we are in a time when we really need to hear from God – Logos & Rhema – so He can show us where we need to work with Him in building His kingdom. God has amazing things in store for those who are willing to walk with Him.

    1. Hi Evelyn… You certainly have lived it and are living it. Thanks for commenting and keep pursuing Him!

      Blessings, Michael

  2. Amen . Key word : pursuing God !!!! . Another great presentation. Thanks Michael Pink . Have a great and blessed 4 th of July weekend .

  3. Thank you brother Michael!!great message 👍🏼👍🏼At 86, I am needing good pep talks & I appreciate yours.

    1. You just gave all readers (and me) a pep talk! 😊 Keep pursuing Him sister.
      Blessings, Michael

  4. Hi Michael you are spot on. God brought me into this world to have fellowship and communicate with Him. I have been through that Hell’s Gate Financially and in recent years and emotionally with the loss of 2 wives I have loved and buried due to Cancer. I know for a fact Satan is alive and well trying to destroy the love God Jesus and Holy Spirit has for me. Gods word reminds me everyday that “greater is He that is within me than Satan is in the world” Thank you Michael for reminding me not to panic in crisis but “Seek first the kingdom of and His righteousness”

    1. Hi Terry… Thank you for sharing brother. As Peter once said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

  5. thankyou Michael, power stuff again. Our message over the past weeks in our fellowship is ‘Let’s do Business, ‘The endgame of the church’ – your message so confirms this time and season.

  6. Another powerful post… Having just come through an extended season of caring for and losing my 86-year-old dad, I’m in the enviable place of getting to start over, and the picture of rafting the rapids is an exciting visual for what’s next. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for commenting Gloria. I’m sure your extended season of caring for and then losing your father was very difficult. No one knows that better than you. Wishing you the very best in the days ahead! Blessings, Michael

  7. I have to also thank commentor Diana, for reminding me of something I took away from the very first story of yours that I heard, I believe it was about your recovering from the financial disaster from Central America. And the word that you heard was “pursue Me” over and over again. I think the increasingly business recently, which can come and go (real estate) I have been much more attentive to understanding who God is and focusing on the person of Jesus. I have a friendship with a lady who exactly 30 years, my junior, and we have several several cultural and racial differences, but we’ve been supportive of each other. But we recently had a falling out due to politics. (yeah, be careful what you talk about sometimes) and it created a breach in the friendship, which is somewhat healing. But today I really focused on the Holy Spirit and knowing that my job is to love her immensely, not worry about how I might’ve been hurt by what happened, but just to show God’s love to her , show the love of Christ in our relationship. So thank you for this reminder all of the rapids that we were gonna run into, I must glorify God in all of them. .

    1. Hi Roger… It seems you have come to the same conclusion Paul did in 1 Corinthians 13… And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
      Blessings my friend, Michael

  8. I have eyes to see and ears to hear. I hear the sound of many waters, like Niagara Falls. the sound of horses hoofs, Lords mighty army on war horses. The sound of the shofar, sounding an Alarm. Time to worship in Spirit and in Truth. Time to dwell in his Tabernacle. House of prayer 🙏 in the Holy of Holies. For we are in New Beginnings. Soon coming King 👑.

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