Wind, rain and fire.
Have you ever been out walking on a cloudy day and then suddenly the winds picked up, the leaves began to shake, the branches began to bend and the whole atmosphere felt threatening?
Not necessarily in a personally threatening way, but the winds were signaling that change was imminent, that rain was coming, and it wouldn’t be a gentle, soothing rain. Instead, it would be a pelting, driving rain that would be best to take shelter from.
Storms are often announced by preceding gusts of wind to alert those who are sleeping or dwelling carelessly that things are about to change.
The sudden winds aren’t the threat. They are the precursor. The storm soon follows. Anyone who is aware of their environment and spends time outside, understands this.
But don’t let your understanding stop there. Jesus drew a parallel between natural weather phenomenon and signs of the times, asking the multitudes “How is it you can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but not discern the times in which you live?” (Mat 16:3, Luke 12:56)
For the last two years, the winds of change have been blowing across the earth. No need to remind anyone of the engineered “crown” virus, or the so-called vaccine (which is neither a vaccine nor an effective protection), or the Orwellian, draconian measures some governments have taken to condition their citizens to oppressive control.
Those winds are only the precursor. The setting of the stage.
The storm is coming. Almost upon us. Storms always follow those sudden and unexpected winds. This will be no different. We are standing at the precipice of a change that few are prepared for.
For others, the winds announce a fast-approaching fire like what is happening in Colorado with fires being whipped by gusts of wind of up to 110 mph, causing the fires to run the length of a football field in mere seconds.

The signs are all around us.
It’s not the first time. It’s not the last. Jesus warned… “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”
Sadly, some are still sleeping or have come to terms with the so called, “new normal”
Many are apprehensive about the future or lining up at the bus stop waiting for the “Rapture Bus” to evacuate them from these present perils.
But I don’t believe that’s what comes next.
The forecast is for more wind, driving rain and fiery trials.
But here’s the good news, and I believe it is a word for 2022 to all who wish to grab hold of it. It’s found in Isaiah 43:2…
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.”
God also reminds us in Isaiah 43 that He is the One who “makes a way in the sea, and a path THROUGH the mighty waters”. He’ll make “a road in the midst of your wilderness and create a river for your desert.”
His plan for you in 2022 is to flourish and not wither, to be “like a tree planted by the waters, that spreads out its roots by the river and will not fear when heat comes, nor be anxious in the year of drought. Its leaf will maintain its greenness (productivity) and it will not cease from yielding fruit (profit).” (Jeremiah 17:7-8)
2022: A year of advancing in the midst of a retreating world.

That’s when the biggest advancements always happen!
The question is “How are YOU going to advance?”
Do you have a strategy, a plan or a model you can emulate?
I’m going on the offensive in a major way this coming year. And I’m going to share with you Biblical strategies, plans and models to help you find your way in the sea, your path through the storm and your road in the midst of the desolate wilderness.
I’ll help equip you to plant your business, nourish your dreams and realize your hopes. It will be the most exciting year of our lives!
Don’t be left behind.
From 2006 to 2019 new business formations increased at an average annual rate of 2.3%.
However, since the “pandemic”, a ground swell of people have decided to take back control of their life. For 2020 and 2021, new business formations have increased at 10 times the average rate! (You can find the government stats here if you like.)
A rate of increase that is 10 X faster than normal, year over year, is HUGE. There is a growing mass of people who are waking up to the times and taking back their God given destiny and planting their own trees (businesses).
As exciting as that is, unless they also know the way in the wilderness, their business only has a 4% chance of being around in 5 years with at least one employee and generating a profit.
A success rate of 1 out of 25 is unacceptable and completely correctable!
I’m devoting the rest of my years to helping people find the “WAY” in the wilderness, succeed in business, provide well for their family and fund the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I’m currently working on my new book, God’s Business Secrets which I hope to release in January and I’ll be starting two podcast shows that I plan on airing weekly, beginning later in the first quarter of 2022.
If this sounds remotely interesting to you, drop me a line or leave a comment below and let me know what you most want to hear and what you feel you need the most help with. That will help me deliver the best content and assistance possible.
I want to thank you for trusting me with your time as you read and consume the content I publish. Together, let’s make 2022 a real breakthrough year as we walk on the paths God has prepared for us!
Happy New Year my friend!
This is soooo helpful !
Would love to see how we can apply this to the music tech scene here in Nashville as well as our growing international community building bridges on and off The Blockchain
Appreciate you Mr Pink!
Thank you Brandon. We’ll be in touch in the New Year to help with that!
Thank you for having a Kingdom perspective on the events in the world today!! Most people who say they follow Jesus, are waiting to be whisked away from the things going on in the earth, and are unaware the "end" isn't going to come until the …."Gospel of the Kingdom is preached to the ends of the earth" (Mt 24:14). Thank you for equipping those who have the eyes to see, and the ears to hear………..We need to all be advancing the Kingdom and redeeming and restoring all the broken systems of this world!
Well said Jon! Thanks for commenting!
Most excellent my dear Bro. Michael.
Thank you Ken!
Good to see and I agree.
My goal for 2022 is to be able to stay focused.
I know we are in a storm and it’s easy to be blown off course.
Looking forward to this journey with you to help me stay focused.
Thanks for commenting Michael. Let’s stay in touch in 2022!
Michael I want everything God has for me, and the faith and obedience to achieve all He put me here to be and do.
Amen Steve! Thanks for posting a comment!
I`m, 80 years young and retired but would like to start a business, especially to help my three daughters and their families. Don`t have a particular business in mind yet but will be thinking about it and hopefully the Lord will lead the way. Thanks for your vision.
Hi Raymond… Stay tuned my brother. I have some weighty insights to share in the New Year that should help you and your daughters and their families!
Thanks for posting!
I was first inspired by your rainforest book
Hi Rob… Thanks for commenting and mentioning the Rainforest Book. If you liked that, you will LOVE this next one (God’s Business Secrets)!
Blessings my friend!
Totally in agreements and timely, I finished work two weeks ago. Am looking for Kingdom perspective. Accept change and look forward to learn from you. Thank you Michael
Thank you for commenting Jamilah! Looking forward to hear what the New Year holds for you and helping you realize the best of what God put in you!
Thank you very much Mr. Michael Pink for this Now Word for 2022. Amen to Isaiah 43:2.
I agree as God's children, we are "Thriving in Tough Times". Our Heavenly Father is Absolutely Good!
Looking forward sir to the God's Business Secrets podcast. Very grateful for equipping us how to apply the Word of God in the marketplace and to advance His Kingdom in every area of our lives.
Thanks for posting your comment. Get ready for a very exciting year my friend!
Thanks Michael, looking forward to finding out more. Times in Perth Australia have certainly changed for the worse and the only way out is through God's kingdom and value systems! Need to understand His heart for this time and how to go forward.
Hi Gary… I will be sure to keep you in the loop my friend. In the meantime… Happy New Year!
Amen Brother. I'm in. Let's be the light that shines in the darkness. Have been doing the same. Equipping people with the mindsents heart sets, skills sets, action sets to realize their destiny. Let's do this thing. Upward & Onward.
Love your passion Roger! Let’s press in together! Thanks for posting a comment!
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and insights, Michael. I too, am given to understand that the year ahead is hope-filled in the sense that we may face the certain trials and tribulations knowing the LORD intends us to go thru them, not seek to evade or bypass them. Isaiah 43:2 captures this very nicely. It is also my understanding that 2022 will be a year of disciplining the Church, stripping disciples of deep-seated idols and sin. This too is hopeful, as the LORD's discipline is sweeter then worldly accolades and successes. It is my sincere hope that those who desire to live for the LORD's Honor and Name continually separate themselves from personal and business success, and eagerly lay all at His feet.
In brotherly love,
Thank you Aman for bringing in your important perspective. I am in agreement with what you said and appreciate you saying it my dear brother!
Happy New Year Michael
Thank you for being a strong voice and contributor to the entrepreneurial world
What I would most like to hear is how to attract the right people to fill the technology gap
My business is one of independant contractors with one paid prayer officer
We don’t require a full time person right now to harness the new marketing strategies or perhaps my thinking is not big enough
Appreciate your ministry
Dr Don and Karen Aerssen
Financial Independant Council
PFSL Investments Canada
Thanks for reaching out Karen. I appreciate the input. I look forward to discussing your technology gap issue and mindset / vision topics in the near future.
Blessings, Michael
Michael, To your question pertaining to topics/questions you can address to help us; taking a proactive approach to change so that one’s expectations are inspired rather than feared. Also, how to determine the best path for one’s life and generating the courage to take action. Thank you for your work and contributions to so many like me. Wes
Thank you Wes for contributing to the conversation and letting me know what would be of interest to folks needing to determine the best path for their life.
Blessings, Michael
Good morning Michael.
Thank you for that message and information.
" God's Business Secrets", is needed in our lives today.
Looking forward to hearing more.
Fond wishes
Good morning to you Allan… I agree and look forward to sharing more of God’s Business Secrets in 2022.
Warmest Regards, Michael
Thanks for your insights and passions Michael. My wife and I are really desiring to start our own business in Canada (and perhaps other places if we know how).
I know we have a lot of ideas but never know where to start exactly and have limited funds to do “trial and error”.
Looking forward to more of your wisdom as we truly have a desire to make a lot of money to give a lot of money away to help others and build the kingdom of God!
God bless you, protect you and watch over you and your family.
Hi Andrew… Thanks for commenting. I have plenty of things to share in the new year. For that I am putting together an online forum where I can address the many individual questions folks have, so everyone can benefit. Blessings my friend!
LOVE IT, Michael! Please keep me abreast! Your biggest fan, Bill Stinnett. 🙂
Hi Bill… Thanks so much for commenting… Big things in store for this year. Stay tuned my friend. 😊
Blessings, Michael
Michael I am very pleased to read this publishing! I am ready to share this growth and navigate through this wilderness of the times we are in and will face. I want to better myself as a steward of the Word, as a man of Faith, as a husband, father, and member of society. I look forward to reading your upcoming book and hearing all that God has revealed to you through His Word, I pray that as my iron is sharpened so I will sharpen others. This publishing has really given me encouragement to know that I have a future and so does those who are around me; because all we have faced, are facing and will face God has made a way of escape and is our protector always. As we know God is our light and our salvation; whom shall we fear? The Lord is the strength of our life of whom shall we be afraid? This is going to be a tough but meaningful journey in 2022, and I glad God has led me to finding someone who is willing to help and wants to see me succeed really. Let's Go Victory!
Hi Brandon…
So glad you found this site my friend. Very much looking forward to walking with you through the coming year! I have much to share with you and will do so with my new book as soon as I get it published. In the meantime, I will post more blogs to provide more info along the way. Drop me a line at if you like and tell me more about what you do and how long you’ve been doing it. Bless you!
Always great insight, Michael. I appreciate and value your commitment to the Lord and His people.
Thanks Ryan… I appreciate you staying connected my friend!
Michael, I continue to be inspired by your optimism and biblical outlook, ever sinceGod connected us and we had an opportunity to spend a week together in Atlanta with SeedAmerica training. Please keep me appraised of your latest book and I look forward to following your Podcasts. Thank you for being courageous and vocalizing your position on the 2020 election in addition to being a voice of reason how the miss guided direction this pandemic and ridiculous vaccination efforts are destroying our relationships and economies. I look forward to hear how the Holy Spirit continues to work through you.
May God continue to bless your life and work!
Andrew Hanscom
Hi Andrew… I remember you and that week of training in Atlanta well. So glad to have had the chance to meet you back then and am grateful you have stayed in touch.
Thanks for posting your comment my friend.
Blessings, Michael
Thank for this powerful look at 2022 – through eyes of faith and hope and trust in Jesus! I would appreciate your prayers – for recovery of health, finances, finishing my book, relationship with my prodigal and being ready for his return. Thank you. Bless you.
Hi Nia… Thank you for posting your comment and prayer request. We pray for you in these regards now and trust the Lord will show Himself strong on your behalf.
Blessings, Michael