“To you it has been given, to know the MYSTERY of the kingdom of God” (Mark 4:11)
The kingdom of God is a realm we are invited to operate in. It’s not bound by geographic boundaries or even time itself. It’s simply the way things really work.
We came into this world and largely operate by what we can see, feel and smell. We call that reality. But God calls those things which are seen, temporary. And the things that are not seen with the natural physical senses, the realm of the unseen, are what God says are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:17)
We are schooled in the ways of the temporary, and know very little about the unseen realm of the kingdom of God which is eternal. It’s the realm where we learn to walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Walking by faith is a non-negotiable if we want to please God because as the writer of Hebrews plainly states, “But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, AND that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
Living by faith is not just for missionaries in far flung places on the planet, as a way of testing what metal they’re made of… Living by faith was always intended to make things easier. If only we dared to believe the words of the One who came and died for us to be able to experience that now and forever.
While walking the earth, He would say things like “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23) How is that even possible? But Jesus also said, “With God, all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26)
That explains that… Or does it?
So Jesus thought we should learn about faith because it appears to be the currency of Heaven. So He says in Mark 11:22-24 “Have the faith of God” (YLT) “For assuredly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”
He is simply explaining in plain language, the way faith works, but we are so bound to the realm of sight, (the realm of the temporary and rapidly decaying) that we think there must be more to it than what He said.
But there really isn’t.

The way God’s kingdom operates may well be a mystery. After all, Jesus said it was, but then He offers to explain it in terms the common person could understand.
He compared it to a man who sowed seed, some of which landed on the path, some on stony ground, some among the weeds, but some on good ground which brought tremendous increase.
He went on to make the point that if you don’t understand this parable, you won’t be able to understand any of them. This is the key, and therefor worthy of study. It will take you into the realm of the unseen, the eternal, the realm of faith and hope and love.
It will allow you to live in the realm of the temporal while operating by the eternal laws of the Kingdom. Jesus demonstrated that in a myriad of ways, perhaps none more graphic in His earthly ministry than when He fell asleep on the boat in a storm, a very real and temporal thing, but instead of being captured by fear or helping the disciples row harder to get to shore, He simply spoke to the storm and it subsided!
Another example of temporal thinking is what James calls earthly, sensual wisdom that is demonic in nature (James 3:15) and what the world trades in. But we have access to wisdom that is from above that has seven traits (James 3:17) that Solomon (I believe) refers to as seven pillars in Proverbs 9:1.
So we can live in this natural world, but have an entirely ETERNAL, internal operating system that is contrary to the ways of the world, and quite frankly, hairlips the devil!
So what does this wisdom look like?
Well, in the parable of the sower, we learn eternal ways of existing in this temporary world. And one thing God has done is show me amazing truths for the parable of the sower which you can search out yourself and be greatly enriched by.
For example, how in this temporal world where your business competitors are operating by the ways of the wolf, can you successfully penetrate the hard ground prospects and make sales? Or what causes stony ground and how can you ensure that the deals you get, don’t unwind when the prospect is challenged by a competitor, a spouse, a partner or friend?

Do you understand the three conditions represented by thorny ground that prevent your prospects from doing business with you, even though your offer makes the most sense? And more importantly, do you know how to navigate through those successfully?
And then, what are the three things that make good ground, good? What are those three stages, the prospect must go through, as demonstrated in the parable of the sower, that ensures a 30 – 60 or 100 fold return? And what exactly separates those three levels of return?
That’s why I study the Scriptures! I love to learn the eternal ways of the Kingdom of God and apply them here where I live in the temporal realm!
By the way, this is exactly what I’ll be teaching this Thursday at 3 PM Eastern. So if you’re in the Jesus School of Business, the Selling Among Wolves Coaching group or the Weekly Mastermind, make sure you catch it LIVE or at least watch the replay. You’ll be glad you did. (All members will be receiving multiple invites in their inbox before we go LIVE on Thursday afternoon.)
I promise you have never heard anyone teach this parable for sales like I’m going to on Thursday, 3 PM Eastern time. And if you can't make it LIVE, it will be recorded and the replay made available to members inside the Jesus School of Business.
If you’re not in one of these groups, and would like to learn more about those options, and possibly join before we go LIVE, email me at mpink@michaelpink.com beforehand and I’ll fill you in.
Hello Michael
This is so powerful, thank you.
Looking forward to your teaching on Thursday.
Thank you my brother! See you Thursday!