July 25


Succeeding in Sales Is Not About Being A Nicer Wolf!

By Michael Q. Pink

July 25, 2014

Christian Business Institute, selling among wolves, succeeding in sales

Selling is not a dirty word nor an unworthy vocation. The wolves have marked out the territory with their reputation and for too long we have let them have their victories while we huddled under the banner of being a nice guy. It’s my contention that wolves should never win and when they do, the ground they take will remain contested until we take it back.

Wolves In WoodsAnd how will we take it back?

Inevitably the wolf always reveals himself for who he really is – a self-serving, money grabbing predator. When that happens, his prey (the customer) will begin to look for a way out and when they do, we’ll be there – anticipating their needs and offering solutions from a principle based, value added, customer centered perspective.

The reason nice guys who succeed are accused of being wolves is because nice guys will go toe-to-toe with any wolf and not back down. The mild mannered sales reps that try to be nicer than Jesus are offended at this. Their pious attitude makes them easy prey for wolves and their self-pity perpetuates.

It’s not that nice guys are pushy.

It’s just that they’re not pushovers! When they do push, it’s always in the best interest of the customer. The wolf on the other hand pushes only for his own agenda. Another day. Another dollar.

Succeeding in sales is not about becoming a smarter wolf, a nicer wolf, a Christian wolf or in some way, a better wolf. No, succeeding in sales is about outserving your competition in the best interest of your customer. It’s about discovering your customer’s real needs and meeting them. It’s about understanding their goals, their dreams, their vision for the future, then coming alongside, shouldering the burden and helping them get to their destination.

It’s about not backing down from a ruthless competitor. It’s about hanging in there with the customer and walking them through their doubts, calming their fears and solving their problems. In short succeeding in sales is about bringing to bear on the customer’s behalf, that which benefits them most in a bold, uncompromising manner. And when the wolves begin to howl in the night, the nice guys among us can sleep peacefully, knowing they’ve honored God, served their fellow man and been true to themselves.

Thanks for coming by the site my friends. Remember, if you like these posts, please comment, share and tweet them so we can help more folks learn God’s ways in the marketplace!

Until next time, Be fruitful AND multiply!



The Selling Among Wolves sales philosophy is a core component of the MPI Christian Business Institute. Due to recent attacks on our infrastructure, our launch has been delayed until mid August. However, I can tell you the educational value from an unashamedly Christian worldview, translatable into measurable, tangible results is astounding and certain.

IN ADDITION to LIVE online training, it ALSO HAS over 100 Bible studies on the topic of sales alone. You have never seen anything like what we have in store. Get ready to be blown away! When you recover from that, get ready to blow away the competition! (Nicely of course.)

If you have not already indicated your interest in learning more and would like to receive the introductory videos that provide some of the teaching and details of what the MPI Christian Business Institute is all about, please click here and let us know your interest.

While this program is not free, (nor should it be) I can assure you of two things…

1. You will be hard pressed in all of your life to find any business educational program that is built upon and framed within a Biblical context while delivering real, God honoring results measurable in increased income.

2. We have made a way that is unheard of in either the educational or business world to scholarship a significant portion of the tuition.

I look forward to sending out the videos in early August so you will have a better idea of what’s coming and so you can prepare to invest in your mind, while building up your soul and strengthening your faith.

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

  • Dear Michael,

    Grateful that your team is gradually recovering from the recent hacking incident. It is obvious that the enemies of our soul are at it knowing that you with us are piercing thru into their darkness….but do march onward…and we are here with you!

    I like what you wrote here:
    “However, I can tell you the educational value from an unashamedly Christian worldview, translatable into measurable, tangible results is astounding and certain.”

    This is what His children need who are competing in the marketplace. A worldview with a Biblically sound business philosophy and strategies that could be proven and measured as productivity enhancers creating a business that is competitively sustainable and yet true to the Great Commandment.

    For Him, BenjieC. In Manila

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