December 27


Necessary Word For 2024

By Michael Q. Pink

December 27, 2023

“If you will not believe,
Surely you shall not be established.”
Isaiah 7:9

The prophet Isaiah who gave us this word, was sawn asunder for his uncompromising testimony. He paid an unimaginable price. His words in Isaiah 7:9 could be more clearly stated as…

“If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all”.

Your faith and mine will be greatly tested in 2024. The stakes are high. The days are evil. Learn to hear His voice and obey. Here’s the story I omitted from my blog entitled “An Important Word for 2024” that I told you would be hard to believe (but true), that is an example of believing God that resulted in me being established.

I believe that hearing God and obeying His promptings has always been important, but as we head into 2024, for many it will be the difference between success and failure, provision or lack, and even for some it could be life or death.

The pressure to conform will be intense. The public mindset will be herded like cattle. (It already is). What you feed on will determine what you believe. What you believe will determine whether or not you stand in the time of testing.

In ways that are hard to imagine, and so subtle as to evade natural observation, there is an all out attack on the one thing we absolutely must have in order to not only survive (first you survive), but also to thrive.

It comes in the form of hidden plot agendas in movies like Barbie. It comes in the form of so called "fair and balanced" news that excludes viewpoints and news it doesn't want you to have.

Make a choice this coming year to pursue God, feast on His Word, and follow His leading. For those of you actively engaged in the marketplace who want to learn God's ways of establishing a business, multiplying your sales and leading a victorious Christian life, you still have time to take advantage of our annual 83% savings on select courses.

Our sale was scheduled to end Christmas Eve, but apparently an automatic plugin update rendered checkout impossible, so while I was inviting folks to come and take advantage of the final time we make such an outrageous sale on our most essential courses for success in life and business, it would not let anyone take advantage of the Ultimate Christmas bundle.

So sorry if you were affected by that. But now that the issue is fixed, we've extended the Christmas offer to midnight New Year's Eve so you can still take advantage of this offer which will be the last time ever it will be offered for 17 cents on the dollar.

Until next time... Stand firm in the faith!

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

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  1. Reading Isaiah 7:9 recalled to mind 2Chronicles 20:20 “Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper(succeed).”

    What’s really cool is I looked up the Hebrew word for “believe” used in this scripture which is
    ‘aman, and it's actually used 3 times in this one verse and could be translated: “Be established in the LORD, and you will be established.”
    It’s also where we get the word “amen” from which conveys this idea: “It is solidly, firmly, surely true and verified and established.”

    Thank you for posting this blog and for being His prophet, telling us what the Lord has told you to. I say “amen” to your blog post and hope I and my family remain standing firm and established in our faith, Jesus Christ, in 2024 and beyond. God bless you and keep you, and I wish you a very happy new year in 2024!

    1. Thank you for your insightful comments Karen. I appreciate you adding that insight!

      May God bless you and your family in very special ways this coming year!

  2. This was a very good word thanks for sharing. I’m not a business person but I like reading and listening to you blogs. I’m in ministry I teach discipleship class, however, I enjoy your testimonies. God bless

  3. Greetings Michael,
    I was led back to your book "God's Word For The Market Place" this morning. I have 14 bookshelves left so it took a while to find it. Turns out it wasn't on any shelf. It was in my grab bag I have ready for emergency. Before I found our book though, I went online to buy it again. Over $400 on Amazon Aust and not available in our biggest Christian Bookstore. That confirmed to me the importance of the book. It also disgusted me but I dropped that and got on with better thoughts.
    I believe the time has come for me, and that this year, after 66 incredibly hard years, the lessons are going to speak my language now. I believe I am reaching for the door handle and that this year I will enter the new room with God in a different way. I have found your book to be the best organized and the best at offering the most comfortable connection.
    I write to let you know how inspiring your surrender, dedication, time spent with God and beautiful desire to reach out and share is affecting me. I watched your YouTube clip this morning where you are walking your doggie and sharing a particular connection time you had with God. All through it I knew that just by sitting here and listening to this, somehow I was on track, that this is what I was meant to hear. I sensed the rightness in these moments.

    I'm sure there are thousands of people who are inspired by all your efforts, but especially by your dedicated walk with God. It's getting harder now. The Preachers are selling Jesus like another commodity and the lack of connection to an intimate relationship seems to be standing taller in my eyes. I am never discouraged, but I miss the beauty in a authentic dedication.

    Thank you for sharing yours though. I am truly inspired. So all the best for 2024 because I also believe it is going to be a profoundly powerful year in more ways than one. I know one thing from your clip this morning and that is., in my words…"Trust God and don't believe everything I think"
    I was left with a feeling that all I have to do is show up and live my day with Him and He will do the rest…as long as I don't get in the way.
    There is a real art to that, I can feel it. But it's an extremely beautiful thought and the only reason I wrote any of this, is because I believe you feel it too.
    I just bought your book "God's Best Kept Secrets"

    By God's Grace

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