November 7


Life is a Battle…

By Michael Q. Pink

November 7, 2022

We can lay down and be run over, or we can be equipped and take territory.

Proverbs 11:9 says “Through knowledge, the righteous will be delivered.” But the word “delivered” can also be translated as “equipped for war, made strong”.

But it’s not knowledge in the sense of volumes of information stored up in your brain somewhere, sort of like Google in the brain.

The word translated as knowledge is referring to an intimate, experiential knowledge. Who would you rather be in a fox hole with during a fire fight… a man on his third tour of combat duty or the officer who studied war for 4 years at the war college?

I’d go with the guy who’s been in, and survived multiple fire fights. He has the kind of “KNOWLEDGE” that Solomon is talking about.

You’re probably familiar with Hosea 4:6 that says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”, but allow me to dive into the Hebrew roots and amplify that a bit for you…

“My people no longer have a voice in the public square. They are utterly undone and they perish because they lack knowledge – the kind of knowledge that comes from usage, testing and experience.”

When we lack knowledge, especially knowledge of the ways of God in the marketplace, we aren’t respected. Our voices are not heard. Our recommendations however sound, go unheeded.

I got tired of that years ago and began earnestly searching out God’s ways for the marketplace to which I was called.

It was there I learned about the three levels of knowledge modeled in the only blueprint God gave man, still fully intact with exacting detail. It was there I learned that the hidden things of God can be clearly understood by the things He made (Rom 1:20) and from that knowledge discovered the secrets of the perfect business model

Last Thursday, Os Hillman hosted me on a LIVE webinar where we discussed these things in detail and how you can gain that kind of knowledge! If you missed it, you can catch the replay here.

For those interested in gaining intimate, experiential knowledge, we invited them to grab their copy of God’s Best Kept Secrets and consider joining the Jesus School of Business for an extra $1, giving them 30 day access to the secrets I have found over the last 40 years that helped my students and clients achieve remarkable success.

Our NOVEMBER ENROLLMENT ENDS THIS WEDNESDAY, because our next LIVE monthly teaching session with Q & A is this Thursday at 3 PM Eastern. So if you’d like to gain the kind of knowledge you will most likely need in the coming months, I urge you to get equipped by availing yourself to this incredible, one-of-a-kind teaching that will equip and prepare you well for what lays in front of us all.

Hope to see you there!



You missed out!

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

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