What do you believe? And, where do you believe? In other words, is your belief merely an intellectual acknowledgement or do you really have it on the inside – in your heart? I am coming to the conclusion that we really only believe what we are able to manifest.
For example, we say we believe God will provide all of our needs according to His riches in glory (Phil 4:19), but that belief necessitates a stepping out and acting as though it were true. And most of us don’t want to step out until the need is met, which of course doesn’t require faith.
I don’t think we are manifesting in our lives much of what we say we believe. But we can change that. We must first be honest with ourselves and then align ourselves with God’s Word. The Bible says the just shall live by faith and without faith it is impossible to please God. Impossible. And faith without works is dead – Empty talk. It may be impressive talk, but dead nonetheless. Kind of like a fresh bouquet of red roses that looks pretty, but is dead when not connected to the life source.
I think a lot of us have that kind of faith – fresh cut roses. It looks promising, even smells nice, but can produce nothing but a warm fuzzy feeling. We need faith that is connected to the heart, rooted and grounded in love, born of the Spirit, carried by His Word and tested by the circumstances of our life. We need faith that will move mountains. I’m ready for this and I am going for it. Â Want to go there together?
Yes I want to go there. Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief.