There is a mythology of sorts that has been passed down for millennia. That mythology is an expectation of doom, an expectation of something bad happening. It’s been programmed into our subconscious.
In a sense it’s kind of like our DNA has been corrupted. You could think of it as our sin nature.
But also embedded into the substructure of every human being is what is referred to as the measure of faith. (Romans 12:3) I’m speaking of the capacity to believe God for good.
Therein lies the battle… Do we anticipate fear? Do we dread some inevitable disaster? Or do we reach for the stars? Do we reach in effect for God Himself?
But in truth, He has reached out to us and put His Spirit in us who believe, who have received Christ. We are now seated in Heavenly places with Him (Ephesians 2:6).
Will you run from the storm or leverage its force?
The choice is yours. Our response to any approaching storm should be to “mount up with wings like eagles” (Isaiah 40:31) We find refuge in the Heavenly places by accessing His peace, His love and His wisdom. And this is done by spending time in His presence and marinating in His Word.
Does He not promise to “keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed (fixed, focused) on Him?” (Isaiah 26:3) Do you not know the expected response of the righteous to any threat? Psalm 112:7-8 describes the response of the one who fears the Lord… “He will not be afraid of evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. His heart is established; He will not be afraid, until he sees his desire upon his enemies.”
Eagles rise above the storms, not by getting out of dodge, but by doing something very instructive… They LEVERAGE the storm’s powerful winds to soar higher, rather than being overcome by them. When they see the storm approaching, they wait for it with anticipation. They don’t hide in the rocks.
When the turbulent winds finally arrive, they fly directly into them, using the storm’s powerful upward air currents to lift them above the clouds. Once above the storm, they can glide effortlessly in calmer air.

Isn’t that what David did when he saw Goliath? The Philistine giant was breathing all kinds of threats promising to rain down a hell storm on Israel. David faced the torrent of curses coming from Goliath, flipped the script and then ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.
Think of it!
In the face of overwhelming odds, not only did David run towards Goliath, but he ran toward the entire enemy army. He did so fearlessly. He was actually motivated by the threats of the enemy, because he knew that Goliath was in fact defying God – And that’s always a losing proposition!
He had another ace up his sleeve… Samuel, the prophet of Israel had just secretly anointed David as king (1 Samuel 16:13). His destiny was waiting for him. There was a giant standing in the way, but in point of fact, that giant was the doorway to his destiny.
Let that sink in!
And David knew it… As a result, he was in no way terrified of Goliath like the Israelite army was, which was for Goliath, proof of his own destruction (Philippians 1:28)
Hurricane Goliath provided the turbulence (opportunity) for David to leverage the winds of opposition to his great advantage. When the storm was over, David stood there with Goliath’s decapitated head in his hands, and became the recipient of great riches, the king’s daughter in marriage and permanent tax exemption (1 Samuel 17:25).
This in typology, is what awaits those who face the storm and leverage the turbulence to achieve victory. It is incumbent on us to choose faith over fear, to choose hope over hopelessness.
Sure the storm may be fierce, but the stronger the winds, the higher you can go. Look for the opportunities in the coming storm. They will be delivered in the turbulence. Face them. Ride them. Conquer them.
Some people only see the threatening skies. Others see the silver lining around the edge of the skies. But there are those of us who see beyond the clouds and beyond even the silver lining, all the way to the pure golden sunlight.
You see, the sun is always shining. Night and day it never stops shining. Just your perspective, that’s all that changes. So remember… “The Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly.” (Psalm 84:11)
Keep focused on Him and expect great things!
For more of God’s perspective for business, visit Selling Among Wolves.
P.S. If you like this, please comment, and share this far and wide – before the storm arrives.
Forewarned is Forearmed.
Zechariah 4:6-7
Thanks, Michael.
Thank you Dr. Don! Blessings!
What an awesome piece you wrote! This spoke straight to my heart brother with some things that we are going through as a family since the Lord has planted us here in FL. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and how you impact the Kingdom for the people of God!
Thank you Ron! So glad to know it was an encouragement and a blessing!
Thank You Michael! I enjoy learning more and you do know how to teach!
Could you capitalize Heaven though when it's a place?
Not trying to be critical but as Christians we look forward to going to Heaven!
Thank you Barbara… I was wondering about that. I would have capitalized “Heaven”, but wasn’t sure about “heavenly”. I thought of it like when we capitalize Earth, but not earthly. However, I agree with the sentiment and changed it. Thanks for caring!
Great word brother!
Very much appreciate your heart, your wisdom and your passion for The Lord.
Thank you for encouraging the Body.
Blessings and more blessings on you my friend!
Hello my brother! Thank you for taking the time to encourage me!
Blessings, Michael
Great message. Thank you Michael
Working on changing my perspective as I spend time in bed with a broken leg.
Hi Malinda… Thank you for writing despite your temporary setback. May God mend you quickly!
Thank you Malinda… Praying for your rapid healing.
Blessings, Michael
Loved this Michael!
Thank you Kimberly!
Your teachings will be a blessing for generations to come. We are greatful and privileged to be able to learn through such wisdom. You bring light and inspiration. Thank you for teaching me in this way.
Adele van Vreden
South Africa
Thank you Adele… God bless you and your dear family in all your faithful endeavors!
Your kind words are a big encouragement!
Thank you so much Michael. I am the one encouraged and blessed by your teachings and testimonies. I enjoy reading about your research and achievements, it is extremely interesting and exiting.
That’s wonderful Adele… So glad to be a blessing!
Your teachings will be a blessing for generations to come. We are greatful and privileged to be able to learn through such wisdom in Him. You bring light and inspiration. Thank you for teaching me in this way.
Adele van Vreden
South Africa
Good evening Michael,
Thank you & what a wonderful & a very powerful blessing for what you have written on the, "Hurricane Goliath Approaching" I really needed to read all of this that you have forwarded to me & thank you so much Michael. I would very much like to read the, SELLING AMONG WOLVES and GOD'S BEST KEPT SECRETS. I am doing a mini road trip… off to Toronto, Orangeville & Barrie Ontario and leaving shortly. I will get in touch with you about your books on my return from my mini road trek.
God Bless You Michael,
Brother Dean
Hello Dean… You’re off to my old stomping grounds. I was born in Toronto and spent my childhood in and around that area.
How long is your trip expected to be?
Thanks for posting your comment!
Blessings, Michael
Thank you for that up lifting word. God bless you Mightly too. I am a music teacher in four schools and privately and I thank God for the privelege of being in people's lives to shine the Glory of our mighty God, King, Saviour and everlasting Big Brother and Friend Jesus. Amen
That’s wonderful Sue! Keep pursuing Him and shining brightly!
Thank you for that great encouragement. We just need to put it into our action….. thou shall not fear, for I am with you…. Amen.
Amen Teri!
Thanks for posting your comment!
Blessings, Michael
Great word brother!
Thank you Timothy!
Thank you for this excellent article, Michael. Let us be more like fearless David and less like Saul's trembling army. "We are not of those who draw back…" Hebrews 10:39, Habakkuk 2:3,4.
Well said John! Thanks for posting!