There’s a lot of noise on the internet about what’s coming next. Some argue that America is overdue for judgment and will cease to exist, while others suggest America is entering a golden age of prosperity.
Many of the naysayers base their perspective on the notion that America isn’t mentioned by name in the Bible. But as I’ve said before, neither is Japan, China, Argentina, Luxembourg, Chile, Nigeria, Ghana or literally another 100 countries I could name.
Didn’t Billy Graham say that “If God doesn’t judge America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah”? Yes he did say that, but that doesn’t mean it’s right.
Please allow me to reframe your viewpoint…
It’s true that there are a host of so called prophetic voices or “analysts of time” filling the ether, but many of them are so off the mark with such frequency it amazes me they have any following at all.
I do believe in the prophetic and being an analyst of time can be a very fascinating study, but please don’t try to sell me on the absurd idea that Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven song in 1971 was a prophetic message from God meant for our time now, or that Prince Charles will never be King Charles.
If you want a more “sure word of prophecy”, one that is always right, you can find that in Scripture. Let’s get solidly anchored in the certainty of His Word before we go looking for and listening to other voices who themselves, may not be properly tethered to Scripture.
So, what’s actually coming, you ask?
In Matthew 13, Jesus prophesied about the end of the age using the parable of the wheat and tares for illustrative purposes. In that parable, an enemy had sown weeds (tares) that looked like wheat (but were not) in a field (the world). He allows the wheat (sons of the kingdom) and tares (sons of the wicked one) to grow up together until harvest time (end of the age), which is when one group is removed (the wicked) and the other remains (the righteous). A similar illustration is given later in the parable of the dragnet. (That’s deeper than I can go into now, but let that sink in a bit.)
Friends, make no mistake… We live in a war zone where the wheat and tares growing in the same field, compete for resources. In nature, that would be for water, nutrients and even sunlight which are types of information, support and revelation.
The tares want to own the narrative and get you to believe their version. They want you to lean on them for support so they can control you. And, they want you to believe their revelation and distract you from hearing from the Lord, His revelation.
So, here’s what’s coming…
In the battle for control of resources both physical and intellectual in nature, there will be occasional kinetic conflicts meant to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). While it has been said that America is just beginning its golden age, don’t expect that to come without major conflict. That promise will be tested, perhaps much sooner than later.
Consider Psalm 2… “Why do the heathen rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.’ He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure:”
Last week while in Phoenix helping to position another client for 10X growth, we talked about this very thing. At a gut level, they know some very good and exciting things are being ushered in, but also sense a certain almost palpable tension in the air, as the tares will not sit idly by and let this happen without a fight.
The greater the prize, the greater the fight – So get ready!
We see in Psalm 2 that the heathen (tares) are raging. That doesn’t mean they are sitting on their lazy-boy chairs, screaming at Fox News.
They are actively plotting and taking counsel together against the plans of God, but they will not succeed. They will make their moves and we may see mayhem and destruction at times, but God’s plan is advancing unhindered.
So, last week while in Phoenix, long before the sun even thought about rising, I was listening to Johann Pachebel’s Canon in D and worshiping God with fresh lyrics that were flowing out of my spirit. While in that peaceful place with eyes closed, a picture came into view.
It was Planet Earth as seen from Heaven. I could see what I perceived to be both turmoil and peace and was aware that God was watching it all while the music seemed to be playing in Heaven. The thing that really struck me was how God was not in any way fazed by the goings on. Victory was certain. His plan would prevail – without delays. There was no angst. From the heavens looking down, there was nothing but peace and beautiful music.
Ephesians 5:1 tells us to be imitators of God, so at the very least, we are to live our lives aware, but worry free and completely calm, cool and collected even in the midst of great turmoil. It reminds me of Winston Churchill who wrote this in a letter to his mother when he was fighting a war in India in his early twenties. He wrote…

“We were out on horse back today on military exercise and were suddenly ambushed by the enemy. Many of my comrades galloped away in terror, but rather than flee I turned my pony around and rode straight into the face of the enemy. I took out my revolver and despatched one of the enemy on my left and then another on my right. I was as cool then as I am now writing this letter to you. Nary a bullet touch my pony, my tunic or my person. I believe I was preserved for higher things.”
That's how we should live! Yes, we're living in a war zone but we are preserved for higher things!
There will be conflict and ambushes. Our role is to keep advancing, dispatching the enemy with the sword of the Spirit when confronted and to not shrink back in the heat of battle.
Daniel knew he was preserved for higher things and got a good nights sleep despite being thrown in the lions den. He was unfazed and unshakeable.
When you know you're preserved for higher things, great confidence arises and as Daniel famously said, "the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits."
Our role as sons and daughters of the kingdom is to advance God's kingdom where He leads you. For me and the team I am assembling, that means helping companies literally (not figuratively) 10X their business so they can fulfill the call of God on their life.
I believe we are called to influence the culture and it is no secret that we need resources to accomplish that. Even Jesus had a treasurer who managed the resources necessary to bankroll the travel and lodging for Himself and a dozen disciples for 2 or 3 years. By the way, it was women of means who largely bankrolled that. (Luke 8:2-3).
So what I am urging you to do is gather up your courage, build up your faith and launch into that which you have scarcely dared to believe was possible until now. And do this knowing that there will be challenges, setbacks and yes even what Jesus also promised, "wars and rumors of wars".
If you want a little help with that, consider joining the Jesus School of Business. If you have a business with a few or more employees, and want to 10X your business, drop me a line. I know a little about that too.
Now that went down a treat!
Thank you for that piece of Wisdom, fresh from the wells of salvation, from which you draw often.
It's nice to hear a sound voice, with all that noise about.
Thank you. I am now completely satisfied, happy & turning cartwheels inside.
Hi Elaine;
Loved your comment. Thank you for taking the time to encourage!
Thanks Don!
Ain’t that the truth . So much noise out there. Help me to hear from God to make wise decisions and fears not for He is good and faithful . Thank you sir..
Thanks for commenting Diana… Keep pursuing Him!