September 15


Face-To-Face: A Difficult Post

By Michael Q. Pink

September 15, 2021

This is one of the hardest blogs I’ve had to write.

It’s hard because… How do you put the indescribable, even supernatural, into words?

In one sense, it’s like trying to tell someone what bananas taste like. You can’t.

They don’t taste like anything else.

And what I’m about to share with you in faltering words, in the weakness of my own inability to communicate clearly, is something that will connect you to a supernatural level of living, you may have only experienced on rare occasion, if at all.

I’ve had many highs in my walk with Jesus. Led many to Christ, ministered healing and deliverance to others, written over a dozen books, and led dramatic sales turnarounds in failing companies, even leading one sales team to become the 16th fastest growing company in America on the INC 500 list.

But there was a watershed moment in my life… back in the mid 80’s.

A point when hope was but a vapor and I could scarcely imagine it, let alone take hold of it.

I had buried my firstborn, lost my marriage, my business, my two homes, my luxury car, racked up huge debt, and was living on fumes.

This all happened in the space of less than 24 months.

I was too numb to feel desperate. Shell shocked might be a better word.

Disoriented. Confused. Condemned. Alone.

My prayer life had been reduced to 7 words which I repeated often…

“Please God, don’t let go of me.”

It was in that dark time that God supernaturally began the restoration process of my life.

It was a cold and rainy February morning. I had spent the night on a friend’s couch. I think it’s fair to say that this was the low point in my life.

I was just waking up around 7 AM.  I flipped the TV on and the 700 Club was airing an interview with someone. Suddenly, what I saw, changed before my eyes. I saw myself being interviewed on that program and I saw my name under my image on the TV screen!

Impossible. Even a bit freaky. But it happened! (And so did the fulfillment 16 years later! – An amazing story for another time!)

In the video series about that, I mention how God orchestrated a meeting with an old friend of mine, Rick Osborne.

The result of that meeting was that God used Rick to profoundly alter the course of my life. I can safely say, that if it was not for Rick’s investment in my life, I no doubt would have missed out on stepping into the destiny God has for me.

You see, Rick has a relationship with God that anyone can have, but few do.

I remember when I first met Rick. He was just 19 years old, a new Christian, and believed every word in the Bible.

Within a year he had led hundreds to Christ.

He had asked the Lord for at least one new soul to be saved every day. Often times there were several. But he didn’t go out and do street preaching. It was much different.

For example, one night he and a young man that worked for me, prayed and asked God where to go. As they drove through a residential neighborhood, the Lord would tell them to turn right and then turn down another street and another, etc.

Then finally, the Lord told them to pull over and wait. While waiting, they prayed.

After about 15 minutes, the man of the house they were in front of, came out to see what they were doing. They explained that the Lord had directed them there. Long story short, that man prayed to receive Christ!

In the meantime, the man’s wife was concerned that her husband was gone so long, so she came out to see what was going on, and she got saved!

That kind of thing happened every day!

Over the next few days, I’m going to share some amazing stories about my friend Rick.


It’s not because of his first book, The Most Important Story which has been translated into over 120 languages and dialects and now has over 100,000,000 copies in print.

It’s not because of the other 60 books he’s written with sales in excess of 10,000,000 copies sold.

That kind of success would give most folks the big head. But Rick is probably the most published, least well known author in Christendom.

By design.

But here’s why I want you to know Rick.

In November of 2010, God directed him to move a remote mountain town in British Columbia and just pursue the Lord. Initially, Rick would spend 3 hours a day doing just that. Followed by hours of writing what he learned during the 3 hour intensive.

After a year, the Lord directed him to step it up to 6 hours a day in the Word, followed by writing what he was learning. That continued for another 8 years. Then the Lord asked Rick for 12 hours a day in the Word. It was to be how he finished up his 10 year sequestration with the Lord.

What he learned in that 10 year period was not head knowledge.

It was if he was being tutored by the Lord Himself face to face.

In fact, he was.

And what He showed Rick, is breathtaking. Transformative. It will literally make you unrecognizable to even yourself – if you let it.

After 10 years, the Lord has prepared and released Rick to share his journey with you and me. He’s going to do the first part in a 5 day Master Class beginning next Wednesday, September 22nd at 8:00 PM Eastern.

My wife Judy and I have cleared our schedule to get in on this.

All sessions will be recorded and later offered for sale for $395, but if you attend the LIVE Master Class, there is no cost to attend.

There is a lot more to tell you, which I will do in the next few days, but in the meantime, you can go here, learn more, and secure your spot in the FREE Master Class.


Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

  • Thank for your post and wonderful offer. Your post’s title intrigues me. Virtual spaces share many similarities with fake news. The couple of minutes when you and I spoke in Orlando almost two decades ago, face to face, are dear to me and I remember what you said till this day. Virtual meetings are powerful tools and useful but, in my often immodest opinion, are wannabe face-to-face. In the Biblical narrative, the face the most intimate part of our beings.

    Going back to our meeting in Orlando, it was a presentation you made of your book on sales. At the time, I had wanted to use the information in the book to make a more powerful presentation of the Gospel. As I spend more time with God in His Word, I quickly abandoned the idea once I realized that the Gospel itself has more power than any human will ever muster and that it is not me who the person or persons in the God-appointments need to hear, but Him. I am no more and no less than a broken vessel for Him to reach those He hung on that tree for.

    You had been faithful with you emails to me although I did not give them much attention for years. At the appointed time, I reconnected via virtual-world. Messiah is the One who builds His Kingdom. For the longest time I’ve been coming up with my Ishmaels. It’s taken me awfully long to move into the co-pilot seat. Thanks for being faithful, dear brother. That’s our part. In my case, it’s about all I can handle.

    Shalom aleichem.

    • Hello Louis;

      The thing I love about you is your honest candor. It takes a certain humility to write honestly, to put your thoughts (an intimate part of you) out in full view of people who may not care about your feelings or be empathetic to you in any way. Thank you for your kind words to me as well my friend. We are all a work in progress. God bless you this weekend!

      • Thanks for your reply. Yes, He will bless me in spite of me. I hope you'll never want one, but if you need a lesson in hypocrisy, I almost turned that sin into an art form. Hebrews 4:13 "And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account." Have a blessed and fruit full weekend for His glory.

        • It’s the inescapable reality of that verse that gives me comfort for if I could, I’m sure I would try to hide my sins from God. Knowing that all things are open and known to Him, makes it easier to come before Him and come clean so to speak.

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