March 14


Dancing in Jerusalem – 30/30 Worship Challenge

By Michael Q. Pink

March 14, 2015

intercession, Israel, Jerusalem, pray, worship

About four years ago, my wife Judy was out on the lanai in our Florida home when she clearly and unexpectedly felt the Lord say to her, “If you will go and bless my people Israel, I will heal you of all the losses in your life.” It came out of nowhere and caught her off guard. After all, she felt like she was quite healed from the losses of her life. She believed it was a word for both of us, but I too felt healed of my losses.

So we delayed.

Or shall I say, I delayed. To me, it never seemed like the right time to go. Then about a year ago, I prayed specifically about going and the Lord caused me to see His face above the old city with a big smile, inviting me to come. I asked Him when and He left that up to me. It was kinda like, “I’ll be here whenever you decide and I’ll show you around.” It was like He was real excited about us coming.

But I delayed again, waiting for that perfect time. Maybe some handwriting in the sky or something obvious. (o-: We thought it would be awesome to take a few of you that keep up with us on our blogs and Facebook and make it a truly incredible trip. Instead of the standard, cookie cutter tour, we were going to do a custom, private tour we call, The Recover All 2015 Tour.

We began to look at a trip during Passover, but the rooms were either not available or at a ridiculous premium. So we decided we would invite you with us in November.

But things changed this week.

bibiOn Thursday, Judy got up with a big burden for Israel and their elections coming next Tuesday. When she shared that with me, we stopped to pray. I know it may seem strange, but we feel that NOW is the time to go to Israel. To put our feet on the ground, like Abraham or Gilgal, and pray for Israel and the outcome of the election.

I am well aware that we can pray from here, and we have done that many times over the years. However, almost all of the healing miracles Jesus did, were in person. Only two I know of were not. Similarly, in James we are told that if there are any sick among you, let him call for the elders and let them pray over them with anointing oil. In other words, though the elders could have prayed from their home, they went to where the need was.

That is what Judy and I are doing. 48 hours ago, I was no more thinking of going to Israel before November, than fly to the moon. 48 hours from now, we should be in our hotel room in Jerusalem.

We are not part of a tour. This is not a vacation. We are going to pray over the country and find ways to bless Israel. We are trusting God to lead us, as we know no one there. We covet your prayer support.

All of this is happening within a bigger context

A few days ago, I initiated a 30/30 challenge where I committed to spend at least 30 minutes a day worshiping the Lord. Not praying. Not reading my bible. Worshiping. At the outset, I felt things were going to change in our life. I was so sure of it, that I wanted you to have the same experience. Thus the 30/30 challenge.

It goes like this… For 30 minutes a day, you commit to worship God. You can do it all at once or break it up during the day. This is not a legalistic thing. None of this, “my work is worship to God” stuff. I’m talking about what you might do if you were before His throne. I can guarantee that you wouldn’t be bored or wondering what to say. You would be completely undone! Most likely, laying prostrate before Him.

The Bible is full of hundreds of exhortations to worship God, but we scarcely know how to do it. We attend “worship” services that have very little worship. Great songs that stir the heart, but that’s not necessarily worship. Every example of worship I can find in the Bible, always involved bowing or laying prostrate. Not snoozing, but trembling, crying often and highly reverent.

Grown men did this. Jesus Himself did this… (“In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.” Hebrews 5:7) Women washed His feet with their tears. But we… We are too what? Too sophisticated? Too cool?

Oh, we are cool all right. Down right chilly in comparison. May we find the heat and the passion of our first love again. May God revive our hearts. And He will, as we worship Him. Break up that icy cold heart that feels uncomfortable and unfamiliar with extended worship and do it. Do it until you crave it. Do it until you know you never want to go back to a life devoid of worship.

When someone approached Jesus and worshiped Him, I’m pretty sure they didn’t break into a moving rendition of How Great Thou Art. They bowed down. When we read accounts of John or Isaiah seeing the Lord, they didn’t start reading their Bible and call it worship time. They didn’t pose for a selfie and post it on Facebook. They didn’t shake hands and ask for a tour of Heaven. They were like dead men, completely undone!

That is where I strive to get in my worship time.


The fact that it takes me awhile to get there is only evidence for how well I DON’T know Him. So I press in, because I want to know Him better. I want to carry His heart for the world. I want to love who He loves and hate what He hates.

A good number of you have accepted the challenge via email, though I would ask you also to post on the blog to encourage others. In fact, maybe it would be awesome if instead of challenging someone to dump a bucket of ice water on them, we could give them the 30/30 challenge. Worship God for 30 minutes a day, for 30 days. Share that on your Facebook page and see who takes that up. It will be a blessing for whoever does!

I have already received several reports. One of the students in our International Christian Business Institute wrote, “At a certain point (during my worship time) I realized I didn’t know God and that broke my heart.” That comment is probably the biggest realization folks are coming to. Not that they aren’t born again or are sketchy Christians. Like me, they are realizing their life has made very little room to worship God. That alone is an indication you don’t know Him very well.

Another business school student wrote that her 12-year-old son was listening to the LIVE class Thursday night and went straight to his room to seek the Lord. How awesome is that? Another reader wrote, “I am documenting what is happening daily. Had a surprise yesterday and still pinching myself.”

Let’s walk this out together. Share your experience with others either via this blog or use Facebook to encourage others to take the 30/30 challenge.

My Judy Ann is a worshiper.

Her name means, “to praise”. She is also a powerful intercessor. God uses her in mighty ways. We have had times of intense worship together in our home. She is stoked about this trip! The fact that this trip became a reality during our set aside time of worship (30/30 challenge) heightens my expectation of what is coming.

When we get to Israel, we will pray, we will watch, we will seek the Lord. Although I have no idea what God is going to do there, I can tell you that I will definitely be dancing in Jerusalem and worshiping Him there. God will be present. Of this I am sure.

Please keep up with us here and on Judy’s Facebook, as we will do our best to keep you abreast of what we find on this trip. If you think you might want to join us when we return in November, let us know quickly.

Until then, be fruitful and multiply!

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

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  1. Hi Mike

    I feel a sense of relief reading this post. have been feeling so burdened in my spirit about the coming elections and praying about it. Your presence there is both prophetic and redemptive. May God richly bless you in your obedience. i would love to join the group in November.



    1. Thanks for sharing Adjoa. We believe this month is significant and are praying specifically for not only the election, but also for Israel as a whole. Being there at this time seems important at this time. With respect to our planned November trip, please send us an email to so we can keep you updated on the plans for the trip.



  2. Michael,

    Awesome! God shows me a glimpse of His joy when I see someone passionately chasing after Him.

    Thanks for being that joy today. I am praying for your trip and His presence at depths you have never experienced.

    A few months ago God showed me exactly what He means when He says His burden is light…trembling prostate and undone doesn’t do it justice, but no words do. A few weeks later He showed me that you can always enter the light (His holy presence).

    So far I have been unsuccessful in doing that…but He has shown me that surrendering everything is a step. Thank you for the 3030 challenge as it is pushing me toward His light.


  3. Hey Michael
    I am so excited for you and Judy and your trip to the Holy Land.
    I have had the privilege to go there 5 times to play music and pilgrimage, the last time was back in ’99. It will truly change your bible reading. I have had some wonderful worship experiences which I will never forget.

    I will also do the 30/30 times of worship and will ask FATHER to keep me on track.

    There’s are extremely important times for Israel. I was there the first time Bibi got elected.
    Go bless you both. I will be praying for you.

    Ken neill

    1. Hi Ken;

      Just arrived in our room overlooking the old city of Jerusalem. We are excited to be here and are looking forward to see what our Lord has in store. I know you know what the experience is like. Hope you can join us on our planned return trip this November.

      So proud of you for participating in the 30/30 times of worship. You will be rewarded with His presence and I trust in other ways as well.

      Thank you for sharing and for praying for Judy and I as we travel here.



  4. Michael,
    We will definitely be with you in Spirit and Prayer while you are in “His Land”. Believe you are right on with the 30/30 Worship Challenge, and no better place to kick it off than Jerusalem. (Psalm 122:6).
    Blessings and Shalom to you and Judy Ann, may the Lord speak powerfully to you while you are there.
    Scott & Kathy

    1. Thank you Scott & Kathy…

      Quite the battle in the spirit yesterday during the elections. I’m sure there were countless thousands praying for the outcome. So glad to see Bibi returned for another term. Trusting God to share more with us in coming days!



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