While so many folks today will be discussing the president’s accomplishments or lack thereof, and with good reason, I thought it might be good for all of us to look at our own lives and accomplishments in the last 100 days. With the economy being front and center for most of that time, let’s start there!
Since January 20th, 2009, what have you done to impact your own personal economy that is different and/or better than what you were doing previously? Sure, the national economy is in a tough place and will likely worsen before it improves, but you don’t have to wait for the national or global economy to turn around before yours takes a turn for the better.
There is a huge transfer of wealth taking place right now, some of it by legalized theft, but much of it by simply recognizing the times we’re in and adjusting to them. Most of you know Cheryl who makes our office hum. She shared with me a simple observation she made at the local movie theater. Until recently, if you wanted candy, drinks or popcorn, you had to line up at the concession stand and point to the goodies on the other side of the glass case.
But recent studies at Ohio State University have shown a much higher sales rate of anything a customer touches or handles for at least 30 seconds before deciding. Well, not only have they removed the glass barrier allowing you to handle the goods first, thus allowing customers to gain a sense of ownership by handling the candy, and increasing the sale of overpriced and generally unhealthy snacks, but they also load up a cart with those same goodies and wheel them into the screening area before the movie starts to serve (tempt) those customers who originally declined or bypassed the concession stand.
They leave the screening area once the movie starts, but they sell those stragglers or undecided buyers lots of goodies they otherwise wouldn’t have. In short, their new strategy is working magnificently. They have adjusted to the times and done something different. What are you doing differently?