July 22


Will it Fly in REAL Life? Ch 2 of 5

By Michael Q. Pink

July 22, 2019

That question nagged me as I began decoding the blueprint I found in Scripture that appeared to provide a path for a truly remarkable and uncommon success.

As I turned the pages of my Bible, searched through Hebrew and Greek language dictionaries, and scoured commentaries, one thing emerged and it was something I had never heard anyone talk about.

How could we have missed it?!?!

It was a BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS that first of all addresses character and competence, before taking you into levels of revenue multiplication that few have dared to imagine.

I had to find out whether the patterns I was seeing in the blueprint were truly applicable to the sales and business process.

Fortunately, I was given a once in a lifetime opportunity to take over a sales team that had dwindled down from twelve commercial real estate agents to just three.

The mandate was clear… TURN THE COMPANY AROUND ON A DIME! The absentee owner would return and manage the back end of the business and I would take over revenue generation.

It was a SIX MONTH EXPERIMENT and they would be my lab.

That’s when the question raced through my mind… “Were the things I was learning mere fantasy or would they actually work in a highly competitive, unforgiving, money focused industry with a failing company that was considering closing down?

Have YOU ever been there? Maybe you wonder, “Will this work” or “Am I good enough” or “Will I ever break through this life of mediocrity and succeed like I know somehow I’m capable of?”

Look. I’m made of the same stuff you are. We all must face our fears and doubts. I had mine. This commercial real estate company was the place for me to either “PUT UP OR SHUT UP”.

Successful business owners have no time for fluff. They don’t want theory. They only want what works.

The owner of that company was a close friend and a committed follower of Jesus. He knew my track record from personal experience when I had helped him turn around an insolvent education company into a powerhouse earning $6 million IN PROFIT in just 12 months.

He knew I had been on a journey of discovery since then and gave me the opportunity to test it in his struggling upstart of a company. It had been over 25 years since I had directly managed a sales team and I had never sold real estate.

But it was only for six months. Sink or swim. CAN YOU RELATE?

I took the plunge and accepted the challenge. What a lifestyle change for me! DID I still have it?

Did I ever REALLY have it? Would I have it going forward?

There was only one way to know. I had to put my reputation on the line, go “all in” and test out my new found Biblical blueprint.

Six months later, REVENUES WERE UP 900% over the year before and the company posted a seven figure profit.

Understandably, I was asked to contract for another year. Our two-year growth rate exceeded 6,000%. As the company grew in size, several agents and other staff came to faith in Christ. IT WAS AMAZING.

But still, I wasn’t finished, so I accepted one last 12 month contract extension.


The INC 500 listed them as the fastest growing real estate brokerage in America with a staggering three-year growth rate of 11,350%! Entrepreneur Magazine put them in their top 20 for best overall company in 2018!

My job was done. The test was thorough and complete. The results were beyond contestation.

This email is getting a little longer than I planned, so I’ll continue this tomorrow. (If you’d like to hear my client’s version of what happened you can watch this short video on my home page. Just scroll to the testimonials under the heading, “UNCOMMON SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE…” on the bottom half of the page and it will be the first video.)

If you’re interested in learning the core concept of the blueprint that we put into practice that took this failing start up to the very top of over 87,000 other real estate brokerages in just three years, be sure to catch tomorrow’s email.

In it, I’ll share with you the epiphany I had that led to that experience, and more importantly how you can use that to get amazing results in your life.

So look for tomorrow’s email. The subject line is “7 Secrets of the Sale Ch. 3 of 5 Where it all Began” If you’re not on our email list yet, help yourself to my free book in the left column of this page and you will be automatically added.


Michael “The Guy With The Blueprint” Pink

P.S. Yesterday I promised to give you FREE ACCESS to my best material ever!

You can get it here right now. The information it contains has generated millions and millions of dollars from students and clients using it.

You don’t realize it yet, but becoming part of this is becoming a part of changing the business landscape. Come and let’s make some more history together!

In fact, as I was writing this email, I just got a call that two of my coaching students (that were earning $30 – $50K per year when I started training them three or four years ago), are now earning $30 – $50K PER MONTH – working for the very same company!  

It truly is my best material ever!

Talk to you tomorrow!

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

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