March 18


Thriving in Uncertainty – Part 2

By Michael Q. Pink

March 18, 2020

In the fog of the current “invisible war” we need facts and perspective.

On 9/11 we lost 2,996 citizens to a terrorist attack of unprecedented magnitude. It was shocking in its brutality and senselessness.

And Americans were understandably shaken to the core.

Today, we face a different kind of attack. Some call it Coronavirus. Others call it Covid-19 or the Chinese virus.

As of today, we have lost 114 precious lives in the U.S. to this virus. Experts predict that will rise notably in the coming weeks. But according to the CDC, from October 1, 2019 until March 7, 2020 (almost 23 weeks), there have been somewhere between 22,000 – 55,000 deaths caused by the common flu.

On the high end, that’s 2,984 deaths EVERY WEEK since flu season began. That’s like having one 9/11 every week for 23 weeks and counting.

And no one is concerned about that. It happens every flu season. I realize the coronavirus has a higher fatality rate and shouldn’t be ignored. It is a serious virus. But the worldwide reaction is disproportionate to the problem.

And it’s the reaction that’s tanking our entire economy. Restaurants and bars are closed. Professional sporting events, business and church conferences are all being canceled. Thousands and thousands of schools are closed.

The service, travel and hospitality businesses that are staying open are facing massive cancelations of scheduled reservations.

In short, there is a tremendous contraction taking place in almost every sector of our economy.

Now here’s the good news… It’s temporary!  

The economy is like an arrow in a bow. The bowstring is the potential for acceleration. The economy has been exceptionally strong, and right now, fear and uncertainty are pulling the bowstring back and the economy appears to be losing ground. In fact, it is.

But this coronavirus thing will turn a corner. It will recede. It will be a thing of the past. And once the people realize the virus threat is over, that bowstring holding the economy in its grip, will be released.

And we will enter a burst of recovery the likes of which we have never seen.

Think about the stock market… The Dow is down about 30%. Do you really think the companies that make up the Dow are suddenly worth 30% less?

They still have the same assets and production capabilities. When the bowstring is released, their share value will explode.

And some people will make a ton of money because they realize the market is artificially deflated and they know it will correct. So they are poised to jump back in – big time.

But I’m not an investment advisor and I don’t give investment advice. Just making practical observations.

I’m going to assume that many of you are either in sales, own a business or plan to do so in the near future. And whether you own stocks or not, your business must have a plan to weather this storm.

Storms come, but they always go. This storm will come to an end as well. And when it does, will you be licking your wounds or in a position of strength?

So here’s one thing you can do to get through the storm and come out much stronger than you ever imagined! Yesterday, I promised to share a business strategy that may astound you. It is highly effective at delivering exceptional returns if implemented in a slow or depressed economy.

But it’s not instant.

However, if you make this choice I’m about to tell you, your business could experience serious multiplication over the next 60 months.

I mentioned “facts” at the beginning of this posting. Well, here’s one for you…

According to a study done by McGraw-Hill Research, companies that maintained (or increased) their marketing throughout the 1981-82 recession saw an average sales growth of 275 percent over the next five years!

But those companies who cut their marketing saw paltry sales growth of only 19 percent over the next five years.

Did you catch that?

Companies that pressed in during the slowdown grew almost 15 times faster than companies who held back!

You see, the best time to advance is when everyone else is retreating. One of the 21 high growth factors I teach in Natural Law applied to business, is marketing, which is one of the first things companies cut when the economy tanks.

When folks cut back on advertising, they amplify the loss of business, and depending on the length of the contraction, they begin to shut their doors. Permanently.

That leaves more customers for you to reach out and serve.

If you’re in sales and have no control over a marketing budget, double up your sales efforts instead of retreating. Exude confidence. In this present (temporary) environment of fear and uncertainty, a confident man or woman will inspire confidence in others.

And, if they’re your prospect, they’re more likely to do business with you.

Remember, people spread fear and negativity with their mouth. And generally speaking, they reap negativity in return. Be the one who gets the perspective of the Lord who sees the end from the beginning and share that in your sphere of influence.

People are hungry for someone to give them hope that is both inspiring and achievable. Be that person.

This current pullback will end. It will hit a bottom. And I believe it will end quicker than expected and rebound with more ferocity than ever seen before.

Put yourself out there now! Don’t be one who pulls back. Spread hope and optimism, because there is good reason to do so.

And if you are limited from face to face interactions, this will be a great time to use Zoom or other platforms. Be the innovator, not the one standing on the sidelines.

While others are making excuses, be the one who is making hay while the sun shines. Maybe you’re thinking it doesn’t look particularly sunny right now.

But you’d be wrong.

Because the sun is always shining! It’s sometimes obscured by clouds or by the earth itself, but it is always shining.

Solomon said, “He who observes the wind will not sow, And he who regards the clouds will not reap.” (Ecc. 11:4) And if you don’t sow during uncertain times, you won’t be able to reap when certainty and stability returns.

Did you catch that?!?!?

Now is the time to sow. Yes, the wind is blowing, and it will most likely get worse before it gets better. But keep sowing. And you will reap a reward that will astound even you!

Until next time be fruitful and multiply and remember… The Best Is Yet To Come!

P.S. I get a lot of folks who reply to this email when I send it out. I love hearing from you! But instead of replying to my email, it would bless a lot more folks if you would post your comment on the blog.

P.P.S. Plus, please be sure to spread it on social media including Facebook and LinkedIn. That will be a big help to me.

And if you haven’t already, you can join our private 7 Secrets of the Sale Facebook Group.

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

  • AWESOME Michael!

    The image you used to start this blog off is a great image of what is to come and certainly easier to see for those who have faith & hope.

    As you know one of the companies that I own is a Digital Loyalty Rewards System that utilizes Text Message Marketing to engage & re-engage customers to COME BACK INTO BUSINESSES! So I think those who have solid databases built already in our system will have a great marketing channel to re-engage customers back in the doors much easier than those who are simply going to open their doors and hope people walk back in. Right now it is being used as a tool to communicate important message to their customers like: hours of operation (if they are even open at all), curb-side pickup & delivery options, retail ordering options, etc. I live in a town of about 20,000 people and the City reached out to me yesterday to see if they could utilize my database for communication purposes to help stimulate local economy & awareness! So I totally agree with your perspective on maintaining marketing or even increasing it during these times and will spend time in prayer to see how I can best serve my current merchants and those who need our services and don’t know it yet. Then I will also be seeking what the best marketing methods are going to be as a Business Brokerage.


    • Great feedback Shane! So glad you pressing in and helping your city and clients do the same. Share this post with them. Bless you my brother!

  • Thanks Michael, I agree with this 100%! I have a customer who’s moving ahead on an equipment purchase, due to his existing backlog. When things pick back up, he is going to be swamped with additional work, and he’s extremely prudent…he gets it!

  • Mike

    Thank for for this sound and grounding word! We need more stable thinking that draws from the courage that scripture and the presence of God will always produce if we just still ourselves long enough in His presence to listen.

    May your words strike a deep chord in hearts and wake us up!

    Thank you!

    Ron Holt

    • Hi Ron;

      Thank you so much for posting a comment. We are having difficulties getting emails out for some reason, so I would appreciate it if you spread the word by sharing on social media. Thanks!

  • Hi Michael, you are so right!!! This gives me a new perspective. Not being inactive like all my colleagues, but becoming active right now. I will not only pray, but also set specific advertising measures. This requires a high degree of creativity, especially since the possibilities are very limited. But with God’s help it will work!

  • …”where never is heard a discouraging word…..” oh that old song comes to life. Thank you Michael. Bless you bigtime.

    • That blesses me Mary Anne… Thanks so much for posting a comment. Please share this via social media. A lot of folks need this. Blessings!

  • Hi Michael, this is the third confirrmation that I have received over the last two to three weeks about a small investment. I had prayed about it, but then things went a bit haywire, and I began to have doubts. Yet I still believed that this was confirmation from the Lord. And … just as I was about to come to a halt … here is yet another message … it’s just too much of a God-incident for me not to respond. And I am well aware that the time to reap is when most people are retreating.

    • Hi Margaret;

      Being courageous is what is called for. It doesn’t mean it will be easy. There will be challenges, but you will overcome. Spread the word of encouragement via social media if you would. Bless you my sister!

  • Thank you, Michael … your encouragement and wisdom is ‘beyond timely’!

    As a semi-retiree I have recently committed myself to a strong and faithful business development effort for our document digitization company, “Yes, We Scan”. Then came Covid-19 and the current unfolding situations and challenges.

    Today, upon reading your blog, I recognise afresh that there are really only 2 choices; and only one option for me as a follower of Christ: “Forward”.

    Thank you.

    • Hi Robert… Thank you so much for commenting on this post. I applaud you for your choice. Feel free to share your website in a comment on this blog if you like. And as always, I always appreciate it when folks share it on social media. Blessings my brother and God Speed!

  • Michael,
    Thank you for your positive word. I believe you are correct in your thinking that the market is going to rebound with vigor. It’s rather interesting as I look around me, and read blogs written by those of faith. We of faith, have faith. Those lacking wisdom and knowledge are scrambling in fear of the unknown. We must get the word out. This is not an end but the beginning of something astounding.

    • Hi Cheryl…Absolutely! Let’s spread the word of not only hope, but of faith. Thank you so much for posting your comment and sharing on FB. Blessings!

  • Greatly inspired,..this storm will be over because the storm calmer is on board.His name is Christ Jesus.

    • Thank you Samuel. You are right sir! The storm calmer is on board! Thank you for commenting and sharing the post! Blessings!

  • Hey Michael, great post! Thank you for sharing light when so many are trying to go in the opposite direction! The fact is, many people are learning for the first time that they have the ability to work from home, or that their job is not as stable as they once thought it was and that they will need to create something for themselves, rather than working for someone else’s dream. I am excited to see the legions of entrepreneurs who are going to be born out of this “Tragedy” and I am happy to see that there are leaders like you pushing the positive message out early.

  • This is such a helpful post of positivity. I agree with it fully. I started a series of weekly Friday morning audios for all my clients to help them to stay focused and plan for a positive future . I also like your response Shane and I would be happy to promote your text service if you can send me a link?

    • Thanks for posting a comment Simon. I hope you will spread the word on social media. A lot of folks are looking for hope right now. Blessings!

  • Thanks Simon! Michael just informed me that I was mentioned in your reply. Not sure which business you were referring to but Here is my website link: for my Digital Loyalty System & Text Message Marketing, and here is my Business Brokerage website:

    What business are you in and is there anything I can do to help you promote your business to return the blessing?

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