April 23


Seven Practical Steps To Live Your Dream…

By Michael Q. Pink

April 23, 2014

How a Young Entrepreneurial Family Traveled Around The World For a Year And Returned Home Much Better Off  Financially Than When They Left!

Have you ever thought you’d want to travel to Europe or maybe the Orient? How about a one year round the world trip of a lifetime that leaves you better off financially than when you left? This is a story of how my son Ryan, his talented wife Stephanie and their four amazing children did just that!

iguazu family
World famous Iguazu Falls in Argentina

You see they began their life together in Japan as teachers of English as a second language. They worked hard, lived modestly and paid off college debts. Upon returning to Canada, Ryan was soon employed in sales which as I always told him, was one of the best career decisions he could make as it would prepare him well for entrepreneurship. He soon excelled becoming the VP of sales for a software company.

But he had a dream and a passion for music so he began a music school that brought the lessons to your home. Soon, he had about 20 music teachers and a thriving business.

Stephanie has an amazing gift as a writer and she had a passion for naturally inspired living for homemakers and started a blog. In a few short years, she was having over a million unique visits a month to her blog.

family camel riding
Camel riding along the Mediterranean in Morocco

Now notice something; they both pursued what they loved and what they loved, flourished! (But not without hard work and dedication). The time came however that they wanted to follow that audacious dream to actually leave everything behind and see the world while they were young and healthy.

So Ryan set about writing out every job function, every procedure and every practice of his business. Where appropriate, he created “how to” videos for every single function so that anyone could step in, follow the instructions and run his business. As it turned out, about four weeks before they left, both his office manager and director quit and he had to hire total strangers in their place to manage the day to day business.

Due to his detailed instructions, they were able to grow the business handily while he was traveling the world. Of course he communicated regularly with Skype and email and by phone, but the point is that he was able to actually leave his business and manage from afar – successfully.

Stephanie on the other hand always worked from home. She had a great team of writers and support staff and her blog kept growing as well. She would share updates via the blog and Facebook, sharing pictures of her travels and life with her vibrant family riding camels, feeding penguins or snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef.

Counting steps along the Great Wall of China

One of their brilliant money making ideas was to create a bundle of products that had overwhelmingly obvious value and then offer it for a ridiculous price. They figured that the low price of $29 was within reach of just about anyone and if enough people took advantage of it, it would be worth their while.

Because of their huge audience, Ryan was able to persuade suppliers of excellent household products to contribute bonus gifts worth a couple hundred extra dollars to anyone who bought their bundle. All gratis. No strings attached.

It was a good deal for the supplier because they were exposed to literally millions of readers and only had to give products to the thousands who ordered the bundle. It was an incredible amount of work to put it together but it paid off well for them and turned their readers into raving fans!

A little homework on the beach in Greece

They let me know they were doing another bundle that starts today and I offered to kick in my Christian Wealth Building series with 6 hours of MP3’s and the full transcript / ebook which retails for $77. They are including that for free along with almost $900 worth of e-books, audio books and physical products all for only $29.

If you want a winning business idea, find a way to load an immense amount of authentic value into a ridiculously low price and see how people respond. It works for them and it will for you.

They kept doing what they loved from wherever they were. They would be the first to tell you that it wasn’t always easy. It didn’t always feel like a dream. Some times it got downright difficult, like when there were internet breakdowns or deadlines that would come at 4:00 AM their time. But if you were to ask them today, they would tell you it was the best thing they’ve ever done as a family and they wouldn’t change a thing!

So what was the secret to growing their business while traveling the world, seeing all 7 continents and experiencing things most people will only dream about? Here it is…

  1. They had a shared dream and could articulate it.
  2. They developed a detailed plan
  3. They set a firm date for departure
  4. They prepared for months in advance
  5. They continued doing the work they loved
  6. They continually innovated as they were inspired by their travels.
  7. They loved each other, loved their work and stayed the course.
A real archeological dig in Israel

So, I hope this inspires you and helps you with your dreams. Check back for more details on how you too can take control of your life and live the dreams God has for you.

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

  • This is an inspirational story! I think it shows that if we set our hearts and minds to accomplish a thing, it can be done. How much more when we have the blessing of the Lord!

    Maybe these guys should write a book! : )

  • Wow encouraging, reminds me of a book I read from Daniel Kolenda “Live before you die”. he talks about Matthew 25:14-30 God Bless.!

  • Yep, I would agree to Judy’s suggestion…why don’t they come out with a new book for Dummies…like me. Interesting business model and may the children grow as risk takers like their parents. It is a blessing to have a work that you love, for it becomes fun and not drudgery…and still you end up getting paid for it…wow!…what more could one ask for?

    I recall your Brazil nut effect, Mike!

    Grateful, BenjieC.

  • Hi Michael, I purchased the bundle last week and that’s how I discovered Christian Wealth Building so thank you for offering it in your family’s bundle! Both my husband and I are working on our individual businesses, and your 6 hour mp3 was an answer to prayer (a lot of prayer, actually). We now have a lot of ‘unlearning’ to work through from decades of faulty teaching, but the excitement of having the veil lifted and Biblical business principles revealed is thrilling – and all to the glory of God. Bless you for your diligence in sharing your knowledge and being so encouraging.

    • Hi Jenny;

      So glad to have been a blessing to you. Judy and I would sincerely welcome your comments and discussion on the blogs we post. You may not know this, but I have not been active on this site for the last four years as you will learn as you peruse some of the other blogs. We would really appreciate your spreading the word by sharing the blog posts you like on Facebook, Twitter, etc. As you will see from our site, we are attempting to help as many people as possible without financial barriers.

  • I, too, purchased the bundle and my husband and I are currently listening to Christian Wealth Building. Wow! So much to digest. It’s incredible. The Christian Wealth Building audios are the reason that we purchased the bundle. All the resources are amazing, but that is main reason we bought it. I am excited to see what God is going to do in our lives through the transforming information He is giving us through several sources.

    • Hi RaShell;

      So encouraged that you are getting so much help from Christian Wealth Building! Really appreciate you letting me know and for commenting on the posts! You probably already are doing this, but if not, we would appreciate it a bunch if you share posts you like on Facebook.


  • Hi Mr. Pink!
    I was hoping to buy that bundle from them. Is there a website, or phone number, and what is the name of the bundle?
    Excited to see it!

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