TruTalkLive wants to feature Selling Among Wolves to their network of business leaders. They have invited me to be a guest on their popular blog talk radio program airing live this Friday, May 2nd at 4:30 PM Eastern Standard Time to discuss what it means to Sell Among Wolves – Without Joining The Pack!
This is a program sponsored by TruNorth Global and hosted by Robert Browning and Kristi Lee, proven professionals that have a strong following of CEO’s and thought leaders in the marketplace.
From motivation to negotiation to presentation skills, Selling Among Wolves equips you with marketplace skills for top job performance. In this interview, both the newcomer and veteran will learn how to…
1. Close More Sales using the Moses Questioning Strategy
2. Negotiate Breakthrough Deals Using the Apostle Paul’s Breakout Strategy
3. Create Passionate Followers With 7 Communication Styles Modeled by Jesus
4. Win the Battle for the Heart based on the Canaanite Conquest
5. Create a Climate of Trust based on the Life of Christ
If you or someone you knows needs to brush up on sales and learn Biblical strategies for success in sales, be sure to pass this post along. In fact, go ahead and share on Facebook as well. This is a complimentary session and I would love to have you join the interview. Just LOGIN HERE this Friday afternoon at 4:30 Eastern.
We won’t be able to cover all of the above in a 30 minute program but we will do our best to get into those topics.
Michael, I’m excited to join in this discussion!
Me too!
Hello, Mike…
What time should it be for Philippines? Hope to catch up and learn fresh insights you have added now from the original edition.
For Him..
Hi Benjie… You are 12 hours ahead of us, so you will either have to get up early (o-: or you can check back on that link to listen to it later.
Either way is OK, Mike…Thanks. Our God is using you in integrating our faith and work. Out of His grace has also given you again a helpmeet in Judy.
Indeed He has Benjie. Thank you and God Bless you my brother!
This was so good! Will it be recorded so we can listen to it later? My husband would like to listen. We are being very blessed by your material! I am glad to hear that you will be doing session 2 on May 9th! That’s great!
Hi RaShell S… This is available now buy going back to the same link and pressing the play button. After a commercial, it should begin.
Thanks so much for tuning in RaSell. Give my welcome regards to your husband.
6.30 am on Saturday here in Australia, Michael, so my husband and I began our weekend inspired! Looking forward to next weeks podcast.
Hi Jenny… Great to have you and your husband join us! We have a number of folks from Melbourne and other parts of Australia who follow us on line. Would love it if you could make your friends aware of this new site. I can also say that my wife Judy and I love your site. Wish we could meet you and Mr. E (o-:
Dear Mike,
Great interview and practical points from the Word! What a feat to cover more than 3 series in 30 minutes…Look forward to the part 2…standing by for your next advice of wisdom…
Till next, our Sensei!
Thanks Benjie… I was a little surprised at what we got through as well! (o-:
I was a little surprised at what we got through as well! (o-: