April 19


Return of the Spartans

By Michael Q. Pink

April 19, 2023

Yesterday I listened to what may be the best podcast I've personally heard... 

It was my friend Eric Beck of Founders Fire who will be joining me next week for a two day, two man symposium that will rock your world! (Watch for upcoming details)

Eric was a guest with two podcasters, Stephen Webb and Parker Richardson who seem to place a great value on the practice of actually thinking. It was this practice of deliberate (vs mindless) thinking that my dear friend and mentor Dr. Peter J. Daniels claimed was essential to his success.

If you don't know Peter Daniels (now age 90), check out what he said would most likely be his last interview on earth with several thought leaders you may know.

Eric wove together the most compelling, hang on every word, talk - without the use of hyperbole or fever pitch excitation. When I finished hearing it, I immediately sought permission to share it, and later last night, it was granted. 

Eric dug very deep into "Is Your Unexamined Life Worth Living?". It is a MUST LISTEN for every thinking Christian who wants a deeper, more meaningful, multi-dimensional life. As a Spartan race competitor in 25 Spartan races, and finishing in the top 10, you'll love what he said about the Spartans!

He wove together his story, like a coat of many colors. His father, an Atlanta firefighter died in a gas explosion with three other fireman in the 2nd worse fire in Atlanta's history. Eric was still in his mother's womb.

As a young man, he served in the military, then became a professional musician where he performed in such illustrious venues as the Lincoln Center and the Hollywood Bowl. By the turn of the century he became the international training director for E-Myth and Michael Gerber and became the premier trainer of coaches and business owners in the entrepreneurial sphere.

If you want to broaden your horizons, I urge you to listen now to his compelling story and wisdom beyond his years. Click on the picture above or just follow this link to the Apple Podcast.

Please share your comments on the blog and/or also in the Jesus School of Business Facebook Group.  Don't forget to visit our YouTube channel for great video content!


Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

  • Thank you for sharing this Michael!
    Eric Beck’s interview has so many good nuggets and reminded me of the importance of the role of men and of taking good care of the body, strengthening it to be used as a tool by God to rule as kings in the home and our realm of influence.
    I remember when my third daughter was born in 2016 I began to seriously take care of my body to keep up with the demands of being a provider and dad. It was the year that I found Peter Daniels book “How to reach your life goals” That same year I started applying some of the good principles in this interview of making by body fit and I got to the point right around 2019 of running 20 miles per week.
    I then took a break and now I will be back to the same routine.
    Something that I found interesting is about being present, focused, as a mechanism to remove addiction or strengthen the resolve to do physical exercise, I have never heard this from anybody. Not to outsource our physical and mental capabilities too much to the point of not being able to respond when crises come, this one hit me.
    I recommend listening this podcast, especially to men.

    • I know what you mean Daniel… There were several good sized solid gold nuggets in that interview. Thank you for sharing your comments my friend!

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