7 Laws of Persuasion

How the Holy Spirit Persuades The Heart

The art of persuasion is a powerful skill to have. The Scripture says in John 16:8 that when the Holy Spirit comes, He will persuade (convict, convince) the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment.

I believe learning how God does anything is always a good thing, so I searched the Scriptures to see how the Holy Spirit interacted with people and what means was used to persuade folks. Here are the 7 laws of persuasion that I found in the New Testament...

1. Awaken The Need Before You Proceed

2. Comfort Their Pain & Reveal Their Gain

3. Flow With Your Gift to Get a Lift

4. Show & Tell To Sell

5. Be Bold To Win The Gold

6. Relieve Their Bind by Renewing Their Mind

7. Gently Guide Without Pride

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(3 Hours Of Audio Teaching Plus PowerPoint Slides)


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