And Enoch walked with God, and was not, for God took him.”
It’s been said… “Life is hard. Then you die.”
Not a very uplifting thought really, but there is a certain amount of truth to it.
But there is an alternative.
Try dying first. Then life becomes easy.
As Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith OF the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Hebrews 11 tells us that Enoch had this testimony, that he pleased God and then it adds, that it is impossible to please God without faith. Clearly, Enoch lived by faith and that pleased God so much, that he just took him straight to Heaven!
When you hear someone tell you they are going to live by faith, the normal response is to be concerned for that person. Has it really gotten that bad? We better pray for them… Oh my goodness! They’re living by faith! Let’s hope it never comes down to that for us!
Living by faith was always meant to make life easier, not harder. When you live by faith you are living by higher laws. So why then are so many people afraid to live by faith?
I think it’s like flying in a jet. Have you ever been on a flight and pondering just how in the world does a 737 passenger jet weighing over 85 tons when fully loaded, manage to keep afloat in the air?
For some people, that’s a bit scary and they would rather drive, or even walk.
But once you understand the higher laws that keep the jet afloat, and especially after you’ve flown several times, your confidence grows and you never want to drive across country when you can fly in just a few hours.
But where does this faith come from?
Well, God has given every one of us the measure of faith (Romans 12:3) which was given to us as a gift of God’s grace so that we might be saved (Ephesians 2:8). There is no partiality with God (Romans 2:11) and He does not use unjust weights or measures (Deuteronomy 25:15).
The faith God gave to you and me is the same measure He gave to Abraham and Enoch. Their faith may have been more developed than yours, but we all get the same measure to start with.
So what’s the problem? Why is your faith so tepid?
It comes down to atrophy. Lack of use.
We are so used to living life from the perspective of our “old man” that was crucified with Christ, that we have no idea how to live as the new creation God said we are. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

If you want to learn how to live as the new creation with the mind of Christ and truly walk with God in daily union and communion with Him, you’re going to have to put off the old man (Ephesians 4:22).
I thought I understood this concept, but since I took the 5 Day Face to Face with God challenge with my dear friend Rick Osborne, I am experiencing transformation like never before. He’s doing another 5 day challenge starting next Wednesday so be sure to check it out if you haven’t already.
I realize I’ve been off grid for a couple weeks but Judy and I went to North Carolina and had some vacation time after I did some training for the amazing Benham brothers at their Expert Ownership summit in Charlotte.
I’ve got so many exciting things to share with you so be watching for my next email and blog posts.
Until then… Walk with God.
P.S. If you need a great graphic artist, reach out to my friend, Mark Herron at He’s the one who did the illustration you see in this post.
Good morning Michael.
I woke up this morning to your email and this blog.
Thank you.
I was in Russia, traveling when Rick Osborne did the first 5 day challenge, and missed it.
I will take up the challenge next week Wednesday.
Thank uou for your thoughtfulness and it is good to hear that you and Judy took some time out.
Have a great weekend
Fond wishes
Good morning Allan…
I remember you having to travel on business last time. I hope that went well for you my friend.
I’m glad you will be taking up the challenge. I had high expectations for my friend Rick Osborne and he far exceeded them.
I am excited for you Allan… You will love it!
Blessings, Michael
Excellent, Michael. True belief in the Son of God leads to choosing His Life over my death. When I lay my life down, He resurrects Himself in me. Oh for that Day!
Righteousness, peace and joy to you;
Your friend,
Hello Aman… As always, it is a joy to hear from you my dear friend and brother. Thank you for commenting.
I will have more to share on this front in the days ahead.
I really enjoyed your sharing. Needed this! Really want to walk with God by Faith.
Looking forward to your further shares.
Much blessings from the King!
Hi Richard… Thank you for commenting my friend. There is more on the way.
Blessings to you as well!