It’s true. Back in the ‘70’s I fed my mind on books to help me be more successful in life, how to increase my sales, how to get my thinking right, etc. Those topics were non-existent in the Christian bookstores so I did the best I could with books like The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino, Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar, The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz and of course the all time classic, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. How many of you remember any of these classics?
Although I benefitted from those books, I was hungry for God’s wisdom. I used to ask God for wisdom like Solomon and then wait for him to speak so I could write it down. The first proverb I remember Him giving me was, “In the valley of indecision lay the skeletal remains of many a worthy plan.” The wisdom of that has paid off many times over the years.
In the late ‘80’s, still unable to find any business books written with a Biblical worldview, the Lord spoke to me in a Sunday night service, something to the effect, “Blessed are those who publish the gospel”. Although I knew nothing of publishing, I took Him literally and immediately set out to write and publish my very first book, The Bible Incorporated – In Your Life, Job & Business, a title my good friend and illustrator Mark Herron gave it. It went on to sell hundreds of thousands of copies.
For much of the last thirty years, I have searched out God’s Word and God’s world to find the secrets He has hidden in plain sight that pertain to functioning in the world of commerce both honorably and successfully. What I have learned from God and His Word has benefitted me and my clients incredibly over the years.
As I began to write and record what the Lord would show me, I quite unintentionally created a library of Biblical teaching for the marketplace – the very thing I had longed for since the ‘70’s.
Now, after over 40 years of active sales, management and entrepreneurial experience, built on the knowledge I had pulled from the Word and more importantly, from the relationship with the Lord who communes with those who wait on Him, I’ve decided to formalize the teaching in a true educational format. It’s called the MPI Business Institute and many of you have already visited the page and are eager to know the details. Here they are…
Step One
If you haven’t already, go to the MPI Business Institute page and complete the very short form that helps me know the topics of greatest interest to you. This helps me know how to prioritize the training. For a more thorough look at the kind of topics we will be exploring visit my Bible Incorporated Seminar page.
Step Two
On Thursday I will send out a survey to everyone who has completed the form. Think of this as a real school for business. It’s not an infomercial with an agenda. It’s real training. It will have real curriculum, real downloads, real LIVE training, real Q & A, real coaching. The purpose of the survey is to help me know the experience level and professional background of those who will be in the class so I can be as specific as possible in the training.
Step Three
After I get the surveys back, I will invite you to a webinar where I will describe the program in detail including pricing. It will not be free, but scholarships will be available for folks who meet certain criteria. Based on your response we will schedule the training on the best days and best time that we can. It will also be recorded for folks who miss a class due to schedule conflicts.
I realize this is not for everyone but if you know someone who could benefit from real, solid, practical, Biblical training for sales, marketing, business and management, I’m sure they would be thankful if you shared this with them. I’d also be thankful if you shared this on Facebook.
Thank you for your interest and I look forward to getting started! God bless you all!
This is really exciting news! I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store with all of this!
Amen RaShell. Judy and I are excited about this too. Thanks for being a part of it with Jason! God bless you guys!
Thank-you Michael,
I just sent your MPI Business Institute “HOT OFF THE PRESS” to 76 of my friends and colleagues.
I trust that the rest of your blog subscribers will do the same, poste haste!
Looking forward to your follow-up postings for the Institute.
Talk soon.
(414) 399-6056
Thank you Geary!
Blessings my friend!
Your “Bible Incorporated” resonates with the “BIBLE HEADLINES, Making Bible Use Easier” which I have just published on Amazon. It offers a unique introduction to and review of the Bible with over 2,500 headlines, each describing its own section. With Bible introduction, history review, people, places and topics, it offers more help in a shorter format than any other book I have seen. It can be a great time saver as the right tool for your purpose. This may include equipping others as well. You can preview and purchase it on Amazon. But, at your request, I will be honored to mail you a copy in appreciation for the insights you have given me on marketing it – as in your Rainforest Strategy. The LORD’s blessing on your ministry in the marketplace. Don Patterson 719 637-7845
Thanks for acknowledging message.
Hey Donald;
Thanks for sharing. I love the fact that you are endeavoring to make God’s Word both a priority and more accessible to more folks. Sure, send me a copy if you like to my PO Box 21193, Sarasota, 34276. Good on you for producing that my brother!