Sitting in a lawn chair in my backyard this morning, I began to approach the Lord. I had just wiped the morning dew off the chair and was enjoying my corner of paradise where the birds serenade me daily with the songs of Heaven.
I expressed to the Lord my desire to be authentic with Him, to be transparent with no pretense because that is the nature of true friendship. Do you share your true heart and secrets with someone you know is not being authentic with you? In similar fashion, the Lord is the same way. He shares His heart and secrets with friends who are authentic with Him. You may well know Him as God Almighty, Creator of the Universe, but do you know Him as – Friend?
I wanted to dialog with Him in a natural conversational way about life, direction and how things will unfold this year. As I was examining my own heart and considering my own communication with the Lord, making sure I was speaking with Him as I would to my truest confidant, He pointed out something interesting. How I wish I could tell you accurately with words what He shows me in an instant of revelation!
So what He pointed out was simple… that how I am with others in terms of being authentic, He counts it as how I am with Him. It is not enough to be humble, authentic and without pretense in prayer but then be less than that with others. To be authentic and humble does not mean we share the inner recesses of our heart with everyone. Not at all! But it does mean, that we are authentic, humble and not using pretense in anyway.
In other words, be mindful when you are speaking to the least of these His brethren, that you are speaking to Him as well. The more you are truly authentic in all your communications, the more you will come to know the Lord as Friend because He loves to share His heart with those who have abandoned the façade and all pretense.
As you go into your day today, speak authentically, truthfully and without pretense to those who cross your path. Present yourself to the world in the same humility that would present yourself to the Lord. Then don’t be surprised how and when He speaks to you, because He loves to commune with those who are truly authentic not only in their private communications with Him, but in their public communications with others as well.
This reminds me of this scripture: Mt 25:40 “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, [even] the least [of them,] you did it to Me.’
I never put this in context with what you wrote. I knew it in principle, but did not connect this with communicating with him. Thanks, again, for great insight.
Me neither Joanne… It was the Lord who conveyed that to me this morning.
Thanks for sharing!