May 27


Follow up to the Four Blood Moons – A Warning

By Michael Q. Pink

May 27, 2014

blood moons, four blood moons

I wrote this message on Friday and hesitated to share it but it is connected to the Four Blood Moons message on Saturday. There’s less risk when I write about sales, marketing and business topics, but as I pursue God with all my heart, He often has other things to talk about.

Photorealistic Earth

As I prayed about this whole Four Blood Moon thing, I got an unexpected snapshot, a flash, a picture if you will of planet Earth as if I was looking at it from space. I saw off the Atlantic coast, a rip in the underwater land mass and it was almost as if it burped. Whether that image is literal or figurative I do not know. The fear I saw however, was real.

At best, I am a hose and God is the Spirit or water that moves through me. On my best days, the water still has the taste of the hose. I wish I could do better. Here is what I am willing to share with you that I felt the Lord impress upon me…

Have you not noticed how God’s people are largely caught up in the movement and the sway of the god of this age? How they run after the same idols, chase the same riches, fall into the same traps, experience the same heartbreaks the world does?

Do you remember how the world gave ominous warnings concerning Y2K and much of the church prepared? But it was nothing. Something similar happened regarding 2012.  Who was that devil that we the church would listen to him?

And now God’s people are being caught up with the 4 blood moons. Did God not set the sun, the moon and the stars in the skies to be HIS witness, to proclaim HIS truth and herald HIS coming? Why is it then, that God’s people cannot rightly discern these things? Is it because they would rather listen to the voice of a man than to seek His face, hear His voice and walk in the Way, the Truth and the Life that He offers?

Signs are for signals of future events and not for what has already happened. We should know that. Here is what I believe is coming… There will be great upheaval, a great turning up of the earth. It will heave and it will reel like a drunken man and there will be great fear upon the earth. Isn’t that what Isaiah said?

Drunk angry man threatens to hit someone with the back of his haLet me ask you a question… When you see a man who is a drunkard and who turns violent when he is reeling from his drunkenness, do you fear for your life?

You may take precaution and avoid him, but you do not live in fear of that man. UNLESS, you are married to that man, or are his child. Then you are very afraid of what he will do when he gets home.

Do you understand this? When the upheaval comes, great fear will come upon all those who are married to this man, (the world).

It will come upon all who call this man, (the world), their father. Too many of God’s children have taken up residence in this man’s house. They have learned this man’s ways.

They have married this man (the world), while being betrothed to the Lord. They say they are married or promised to Christ, but they are living with this man. When this man begins reeling in his drunkenness, they will feel his fury, not God’s wrath on them. It will happen this way because they have chosen to take shelter under his roof.

Many are living in that man’s house and visit the Lord on Sunday with a casserole and a song and then return to his house. This man is their lover, but God is the One who loves them. God loves them but they are unfaithful and they will eat the fruit they have plucked from his field.

Give heed to God’s word. Leave this man’s house. Separate from the unclean man. Be no more married to him or his ways. Come back to the Lord and He will wash you again, care for your wounds and teach you His ways.

When the time of the shaking comes, you will be circumspect, but not afraid. If it’s merely an economic shaking you will be positioned to increase during massive decrease. But be not carnal in your thinking. God’s kingdom is set to increase and of the increase of His government there shall be no end.

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

  • Wow!! What a great word. STRONG meat but resonates completely with me. There is a reason the purging and pruning and wooing has been so severe lately. God is pulling out all the stops to get us out of the strongman’s house before that house collapses. Grace and Peace to all who can digest this word.

    • Thanks for posting your comment Michael. I had more I wanted to share but perhaps as we go forward. Blessings!

  • Thank you for these two posts on the blood moons. I know that the Lord is coming after a bride without spot or blemish and many who are supposed to be his bride are not ready. Scripture says that judgement begins in the house of God and He is sending his prophets to warn the church, especially the leaders to cleanse themselves and be ready for His coming. Many pastors and leaders have sold out and have led their sheep astray. We sheep need to be listening to the Shepherd’s voice, because if we are His we will know Him and know His voice and will follow him.

    Thank you, Michael, for listening to and obeying the Shepherd and for sharing with us.
    In His love and grace,

    • Hi Jean… I believe that many pastors, instead of consciously selling out, have instead lost their way. They don’t seek Him fervently in prayer and wait for Him to speak through the Word. They like many are living with the violent drunkard who will turn on them when things shake up. We need revival in the church, among the pastors and members alike. May God help us get there. Thanks for posting.

  • Oh, Michael, it is so good to have you back…stronger, more anointed, and with really urgent matters about which to comment/warn. A quick backstory: I am a AAA personality who loathes meetings, seminars, conferences, or anything that requires me to sit still and listen for a protracted period of time. However, I heard about you and attended your Selling… seminar in Charlotte, NC several years ago, and was mesmerized. I sat through the entire thing, and resented having breaks, lunch and a finish. I could have sat through 2 more days. I then followed you online through the illness and death of your first wife, and then it seemed you were gone. I have now once again been mesmerized by your blogs, and particularly on your take on the Four Blood Moons, of which and whose author I am familiar. I haven’t done the science you did, but have intuitively known there was something skewed about it. I am so grateful to God for your new direction and commitment, both of which you have given me anew. I have been unemployed for almost 4 yrs. and have been oddly unsuccessful at getting a job. I have had a feeling that there is something different that God wants me to do, but can’t figure out what. As you finish reading this, if you have a moment, would you please mention my name to Him that he would help me understand his will for me, at least in the immediate. You are doing a great work. Keep it up. All blessings, Olivia

    • Thank you for your kind remarks Olivia. So glad we were able to be a blessing to you in Charlotte! We appreciate you taking the time to post your comment and pray that you will settle into the work He has prepared beforehand that you should walk in. (Ephesians 2:10) Remember, it is far easier to steer a moving car than a parked one, so step out into some work even if not your hearts desire. Get in the groove again and prepare yourself for the next opportunity. Blessings!

  • I know it was hard for you to share this, and it looks like you only gave a portion of what you have seen. That is understandable because for the most part the last thing those as you allude to who have married the world, want to hear are words like this. We are living in sort of an afterglow, a twilight if you will, of the old, and who knows how long that will last? What awaits is nothing like we as Americans have ever experienced. Those who are truly His will have to face up to an incredible reality that so far, by His Grace we have yet had to face. But when the time comes, there will be tremendous blessing and expansion of The Kingdom, along with pain and suffering.

    I am reminded of The Lord’s words in Matthew 11:12 (From the God’s Word Translation)

    From the time of John the Baptizer until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful people have been seizing it.

    Your Kingdom come, Your will be done Lord.

    • You are right Bruce. I held the word for five days. And then released it gently. If you read Ezekiel 16, you will see a much stronger, but similar word. The plain fact is that I did not read that passage in Ezekiel, nor was I familiar with it until after I wrote this message. Appreciate your post!

  • Michael, I appreciate you and your faithfulness to share what God is speaking to you. I am in agreement with your concern about the “worldliness of professing Christians”. Also, your emphasis on seeking to hear from God for ourselves…not just listening to man. Although I believe there is a real hunger among people to know and hear from God, there is also that need for men who are hearing from God to boldly speak to the body of Christ. I believe you will find, if you check my website above, that we share much in what God desires to do in this day.
    As I strive to be obedient to the call of God, I realize how much I have been entangled with worldly things and how much a distraction they have been. I will continue to “press in” that I might fulfill His desire and finish the race well.
    God continue to bless you and your wife,
    A brother…Phil

    • Hi Phil… One of the things I continuously want to do, is to encourage believers to know the Lord personally. Sounds kinda funny to say that because believers are supposed to know Him. As I said to Steve in a comment below, life is a river pulling us in the opposite direction and we must press on and upstream. When we quit pressing on, we are losing ground. Bless you my brother and thanks for posting.

  • Thank you Michael for sharing what the Father has laid on your heart! As I think about “the man” that you have spoken about I am reminded of Jesus’ words to be in the world but not of it. This transition may be one of the most difficult that I (and probably others) have to face in our walk with Jesus. For me it about giving up my control and allowing Him to be the leader (the sheep are to “follow”). I find that as I move closer to His Lordship that for me it is a battle in my mind … my flesh verses my spirit. This battle is difficult, but the victory is already won! My job is to ignore what I see and hear in the physical world and apply what I see and hear in my spirit for Him!

    I too am getting many reminders & promptings that time is running short which makes the calling that He has placed on me even more urgent to accomplish. Thanks for walking along the same road!

    • Steve; The way I see it, we are like fish in a river heading upstream. The strong current is the world and our flesh pulling us out to the ocean. We must wrestle against that stream and swim upstream. When we stop, we are losing ground. I personally have to press and press hard to have quality time with the Lord. He is willing but distractions abound. Thanks for posting Steve!

  • Amen. It’s good to hear from you again. Your trial by fire seems to have brought you closer to the heart of God — stay right there!

  • yeah,it’s true… I have been a prophet in this wilderness telling people ..yet it seems they are in their own world….time is very short and people need to wake up from spiritual slumber……and hear the truth and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide them into the truth…for ears to hear and eyes to see

  • A relevant follow up from the earlier post, Michael!

    Similar warnings we could read given to most churches in Revelation’s 7 Churches of Asia and the common thread is the pride that questions a continuous intimate walk with Christ through time and that by remembering who He is in our life and who we are in Him could overcome this pride…

    A daily dose of this is a must and prayer as you say which brings us to our knees to our God must be a relentless pursuit…even as we see the Day coming.

    For Him, BenjieC./Manila, Phils.

  • Hello Michael ! It is so good to see you again on the net after many years, having met you and Brenda at CBA in the year ?? Anyway I’m so sorry for your loss. Reading this message on the Blood moons was very insightful and motivating to me to pursue the call the Lord has on my life. Thank you so much and I pray to stay in touch with you and your ministry in the days to come. May the Lord continue to give even greater insight into His Plan for this generation! God Bless You !

    • HI Sidsel… What a nice surprise to hear from you. Thank you for your kind and encouraging remarks. I believe the year of CBA was 1995. So glad this post encouraged you. Blessings on you and Richard.

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