October 12


Face To Face Encounter With Jesus at 1 AM Yesterday!

By Michael Q. Pink

October 12, 2021

Before I tell you what happened last night, let me give you a brief bit of context. Back in the early nineties when we were getting Hidden Manna Publishing into full stride, it came with a multitude of challenges.

One pre-dawn morning while laying in bed I became aware of Jesus standing beside me by my head. I could clearly see what He was wearing and understood what He was saying and what He meant. It was all conveyed without the encumbrance of words, but yet I knew the words.

He said, “I have meat to eat, that you know not of. My meat is to do the will of God.” 

What I instantly understood was that He had something for me to do (the will of God) that I did not yet know about. The passage from which He was speaking is found in John 4.

Fast forward to last night at 1:00 AM.  Judy and I had just concluded our lengthy and invigorating conversation recalling all the mighty ways God has worked in our lives since 1973 when we both got saved. (It followed another amazing session inside Rick Osborne’s TranzformU school which I am loving by the way!)

When I said “good night” and turned over, something totally unexpected happened.

I could see the face of Jesus as clearly through my closed eyelids as if they were wide open!

I tell the story here in this short video I recorded later in the day. As impacting as the look and color of His eyes were, it was what He was looking at that you need to know…

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

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  1. Wow Michael!
    Thanks for sharing!
    It's an awesome reminder of why we are still here and not already in heaven…..will keep my hand to the plow and seek and save that which was lost, just as He did.

  2. After I heard your testimony yesterday about the vision the Lord blessed you with, I remembered a dramatic vision a friend of mine got right on Yom Kippur this year. It was about the process of making wine. Grapes need to be picked exactly at the right time. If grapes are picked ether too early or too late, the quality of the wine will suffer and if it is placed in either dirty or old containers the result can be a liquid that stinks worse than decomposing vinegar. My friend said that when he was growing up in Bulgaria, when the grapes were ripe, all of the townspeople got pitched in because time was critical. There was no second chance for that growing season.

    This made me think of John 4:35 “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields, that they are white for harvest.” When I heard of Messiah’s serious look I had to think of Matthew 9:37-38: Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;  therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

    Comfort zones are some of the most nefarious prisons the adversary builds. Could the Lord be asking some of us to get out of our pews, meetings and conferences and into His ripe fields? I don’t know. Maybe we should ask Him. He will answer. The question is, will we obey if it means leaving our comfort zones?

    1. Thank you Louis for explaining that about Bulgaria and the grape harvest. That helps broaden my understanding!

      As for comfort zones, I believe the pews, conferences, etc., are fine, but it must not be limited to that. I do both, but I look at the fields looking for those who are individually white unto harvest. Make sense?

      1. Absolutely, dear brother. I'm preaching to myself as well. I'm so thankful for Kingdom 40 because as I learn abide more in Messiah, He will show me those who are white unto the harvest. Some of them will surely not seem white to the zombie old man within that just keeps try coming out of the grave he belongs in. You have been such a blessing for me. Thank you.

  3. Wow!….such an awesome blessing to share in your blessings, Michael.

    You are a might messenger! I believe you were chosen years ago to do a job today/in times such as we are living.

    When you share "the" messages, I gain insight that isn't easily defined. I believe!

    Much love and appreciation always.

    1. Hi Bea… Thank you so much for the encouragement. So glad to be on the journey with you! Love and appreciation in return!

  4. Thanks for sharing. Pls continue to do so. You're right about Christ's instant messaging; it's instantaneous. I've never seen His face, but He has been w/ me my entire life – protecting me. So, what does He want from you, or us? We each have a purpose and a unique relationship w/ Him. Yet, I enjoy hearing other peoples' stories.

    1. Hi Ron… I agree… what He wants from us is as varied as we each are. Thanks for posting. Feel free to share some of your story on this or some of my other blogs. Blessings!

  5. Hi Michael..thanks for sharing…

    I tripped over this on my emails…and I must have for a good reason..not the least of which is the "like seeing with your eyes closed"..

    I dont know you or what you do..I just know I needed to watch that ANNOINTED video.

    I am on the Gold Coast of Australia..and it has mighty harvest words on it ..past and present words..

    Maybe this is how the Lord plans to "re-open" Australia…from the clutches of the deceptive New World Order…

    I look forward to my part…thank you for taking the time to move my spirit..with that short testimony vid.

    Bless you and yours…John Benge

  6. Hello blessed brother,
    Just finished watching your video and saw another similarity with you, I accepted the Lord in '73, we both are associated with Jim Richards, Dennis Peacocke and others + drawing closer to Him every day!
    Love and appreciate you,
    your brother in Him,

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