Are revenues down? Are things tight right now? Are you feeling financial pressure like never before? The economic hurricane sweeping our country is leaving few people unaffected. And while the effects at first may seem devastating, crisis always brings opportunity. That’s the very nature of crisis.
In the midst of crisis, you must learn to see the opportunity and seize it or it will pass you by and the thing you greatly fear will come upon you. The economic crisis we’re walking through has with it great possibilities because adversity and opportunity are always joined at the hip.
It’s the measure of the adversity that indicates the measure of the opportunity. Judging by what we read in the news and feel in our finances, we’re poised for great opportunity! But you have to have eyes to see it. You see, what’s happening now is a naturally occurring process. In the rainforest it’s called Creative Destruction. It’s where something is destroyed and that destruction makes way for something new and creative.
If all you see is the loss it can be depressing, but the very fact that the loss is occurring is proof that something new is on the horizon. A new door of opportunity has opened and you can walk through it! Without Creative Destruction, the rainforest would never have become the most fruitful, productive and diverse ecosystem on the planet despite having limited capital, poor topsoil to work with.
Creative Destruction drives the economic engine of the rainforest and if you learn its secrets, it can power your economic engine to higher levels of productivity and abundance. Get a your copy of Rainforest Strategy now and learn all about the best business model on the planet.