Instant Access To God's Will, Wisdom & Ways!

This power packed book is a unique compilation of over 2,000 verses of Scripture, woven together in a conversational format to give you God’s wisdom on 101 work and business topics.
No fluff. No hedging the issues. Nothing but Scripture to aid you in life, on the job and in business!

Chancellor Emeritus of The King's University, and was the fourth president of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel.
Jack Hayford: Former Senior Pastor of The Church On The Way in Van Nuys, California,
“THE BIBLE INCORPORATED, a clear, beautifully prepared, bountifully practical book, will be a useful and invaluable reference tool to help believers incorporate biblical principles into life’s activities."
"Unlike some devotional aides, it is not simply a collection of scriptures on a given topic or theme, but Scriptures carefully woven together to give a beautiful flow of biblical wisdom and truth. I am pleased many are profiting from this inspirational resource.”
“I want to thank you for THE BIBLE INCORPORATED. This would be very useful for business people and really, for anyone. God bless you.” Jerry K. Rose, President TV 38 WCFC Chicago
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Having Easy Access To The Wisdom Of God For Work And Business Has Already Impacted The Lives Of Countless Thousands!

From Michael Q. Pink:
This book extracts the counsel of God from Genesis to Revelation on a wide variety of business and work related topics. It then compiles and consolidates the various scriptures into a smooth flowing letter format as if One Person wrote it all.
We, of course, recognize the Divine inspiration for the Word of God as coming from one Source, and therefore, the continuity of the Holy Scriptures should be no surprise.
As you read through a given topic, it is fascinating to see the harmony that exists, even though the beginning of a paragraph may have been written some 2,000 years before the last sentence included in that same paragraph.
The wisdom of God is given to us by Champions of Faith who acquired this wisdom through practical application of God’s known word. They include kings and ranchers, architects and farmers, judges, fishermen, contractors, and even a doctor. The principles they lived by and the truths they held fast are now shared in open view for all to see.
The King James Version was the primary translation used. Where necessary, 20th century words or phrases having the same meaning were substituted to be more readily comprehended by today’s reader.
For example, the word “ye” was written “you”. Also, in I Peter 2:12, we are admonished to have “our conversation honest among the Gentiles.” The word conversation is not referring specifically to our speech, but rather our life conduct, or lifestyle, and is quoted instead like this, “having an honest lifestyle among the Gentiles.”
Great care was given to maintaining the accuracy of the Word of God, and no compromises were made. There were, however, occasional words interjected to connect two or more scriptures such as “and”, “for”, “remember”, etc. Nevertheless, every scripture quoted is marked with a footnote and referenced to enable you to read the entire passage in its original context from the version of your choice.
I trust this book will become an invaluable reference tool of Biblical principles that we may all incorporate into our life, job and business.
I trust this book will become an invaluable reference tool of Biblical principles that we may all incorporate into our life, job and business.
Michael Q. Pink,
The Amazing Backstory...

The year was 1988. Our very first self published book, The Bible Incorporated in Your Life, Job and Business was introduced to the world on national television. As I began to write more and more books about incorporating God's Word into our work and business, even the prominent Tennessean newspaper covered the story!
Within months of its release, The Bible Incorporated exceeded all expectations and became a best seller. Over the years, letters poured in from every continent but Antarctica of coworkers being saved, hopelessly lost family members coming to Christ and businesses turning around.
Soon business owners were buying them by the case and using them to share their faith. One example among many is Jim Crenshaw. He traveled the state of Florida in his chosen profession of sales. Along the way, he carried a case of Bible Incorporated with him to share with prospects, clients and others he met along life’s journey. Jim has been ordering these books by the case for as long as anyone can remember. The stories he shares of the lives affected from his outreach lift everyone’s spirits and make our work worth the effort.
But when the idea for this book first came, we were in no financial position to write it, let alone pay out over $100,000 for the first leather bound, print run. However, one night we heard our pastor preach, “Instead of trying to get God to bless your efforts, why don’t you find out what God is blessing and do that!” That was a God breathed word for us and when we sought the Lord about it, He answered “Blessed are those who publish the gospel.”
We knew nothing about publishing. There was no internet or websites and we had no distribution channels whatsoever. We certainly had no way of paying for the 25,000 books we ordered in our first print run.
What we did have was a word from God. And that was enough! Of course, faith without works is dead and we did our part stepping out on the water, but God kept sustained us, meeting our every need and the story is nothing short of amazing.

“I am very impressed with THE BIBLE INCORPORATED. Because of its clarity, simplicity and direct use of scripture, it is a must for every person who wants to take Jesus to work with them. I highly recommend that everyone in my church use this book as a way to find and establish the will of God in the work place. I read my copy on a regular basis.”
Dr. James B. Richards,
Impact Ministries – Huntsville, AL

“THE BIBLE INCORPORATED is indeed a clear, practical and true application of biblical principles, not only to the business world, but to every aspect of interpersonal relationship. We openly and fervently recommend this teaching to the body of Christ for we see in it a way to be doers of Jesus’ command of occupying until He returns. It is good to see and to know that God’s word is the manual to equip the saints for every good work, not only in the church realm or in family matters, but also in the business arena and in every other aspect of life.”
Francisco Bianchi,
General Director of Verbo Ministries in Guatemala
Former Guatemalan Presidential Candidate

“This pocket size, treasure-packed publication with its priceless information at your fingertips is worthy of highest praise. THE BIBLE INCORPORATED is a concise, valuable reference tool. The contents of this book have enriched my life with hours of easily accessible reference material. It is a blessed asset for those who wish to increase wisdom in biblical knowledge.”
Dr. David Shibley,
Founder, World Representative, Global Advance
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