August 23


Are You Awake?

By Michael Q. Pink

August 23, 2021

Things are going to change.

I’m not just talking about geopolitical issues, although there’s plenty on the horizon there.

Nor am I focused on the insanity that I now live in a country where in some cities, you have to show your papers to order a steak dinner, but you don’t have to show anything to vote (in many cases)!

I know there’s something terribly wrong with all of that.

I can no longer focus solely on helping folks multiply their sales, grow solid businesses or rescue failing ones. I’m glad to help with all of that, but seriously folks…

Take a look around… Rome is burning!

Do you see what’s happening in the world? Have you seen the craziness in France or the insanity in Australia? (Not to mention the Afghanistan debacle!) The whole world is on a freight train heading towards a bridge that is down.

And there are people I love, and you love, and certainly that God loves, on that train that are as lost as a goose in a snowstorm. And so many of us are silent.

We’re afraid to bring up Jesus in the workplace. Not me!

(If you’d like to see a great example of what’s possible in the work environment and have an amazing illustration for sharing your faith, check out an earlier blog of mine called, The GLOVE.)

We were born for this time! We were hand picked to be alive at this time to be His standard bearer, His ambassador so to speak.

He made us to be champions, but we can’t sit on the sidelines and claim that title. We must stand up, jump in the ring, engage the warfare, fight the fight of faith and earn that distinction!

And that involves speaking up…

If we are silent, who will speak up? My friends, we have been brought to the kingdom for just this time and purpose.

Your business is a platform. Use it for something more than making a buck. Make all the bucks you want, but not at the price of silence.

Are you in a job somewhere? Let your light shine! If not now, then when??? If we don’t wake up, show up and speak up, we will lose our chance.

I’ll be in touch a lot more going forward. If you would prefer to hit the snooze button, feel free to unsubscribe.

I’m looking for warriors that want to make a difference and in the days and weeks ahead, you’re going to hear about that and together we will make an impact that will be felt and heard around the world.

Are you in?

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  1. Hi dear brother. Rome hastn't even began to burn yet. These aren't even the birth pangs yet. The end of the age is the end of the Gospel of grace and the return to the Gospel of the Kingdom. Most people don't know the differences. Most people spend a negligeble amount of time in their Bibles. The problem is that we're trapped in Isaiah 29:13.: Our mouths give one message but our lives cry out a very different one. Christianity has become a man centered religion focused on blessing and salvation, selling the kindness of God and discounting His severity and the other attributes of His character. Luke 14 tells what is required of disciples. It's not a part time endeavor. A watered down incomplete Gospel in the mouth of people who do not crucify their flesh daily and aren't committed to live holy lives is what Laodicean vomit is all about.
    The Apostolic First Century Church did not rely on cash, organization or a good plan. It relied on a good Messiah, who built His Church and changed the world. It's been down hill from the second century on and by 325 CE, the adversary gave us the organized institutional "Church." The technology we need to restore Messiah's original scheme includes practices that are a no-go for anyone who loves the world: crucifying the flesh, fasting, prayer vigils, self sacrifice, enduring persercution, taking care of the poor, etc. etc. etc.
    If you're going to do this, Michael, I recommend that you follow the example of Messiah in Acts 9:16: "for I will show him how much he must suffer for My name's sake." A "Church" tuned in to WII-FM (What's in it for me) is not the bride He is coming for. Matthew 7:21-23 is the most terrifying scripture. Add James 3:1 to that for teachers and you want to be very careful about what you teach.
    May He who keeps Israel continue to bless you, make His Face shine upon you and give you His Shalom

    1. Hi Louis… By contrast to what will be, you are absolutely correct. Rome isn’t burning to that degree. Just a few renegade campfires. Isaiah 29:13 has always been true with some portion of the religious world. Thank you for taking the time to bring these Scriptures to the discussion. We do live in serious times. Bless you my brother!

  2. Wow! This got my attention more than Any of your previous emails.
    Thankful you are encouraging the priority of being Light in the present darkness. May God guide and protect as He gives Boldness and clarity in sharing Truth with all we encounter…until He comes!

  3. But as the days of Noah were, so also will be the coming of the Son of Man be (Matthew 24:37). Look around and what do you see? Plandemic, 5G, politics without integrity, multinational mega-size corporations and their leaders, monetary-hungry media, etc.

    It is time for the church to wake up, get smart, and prepare for the supernatural just as He caused Paul to write: "But I do not want you to be ignorant brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words." (1Thessalonians 4:13-18)

    1. It’s up to those who are awake to “rouse the warriors”. Most will opt for sleep and ease. It’s always been that way Andy. Whether you’re talking about the American Revolution or Gideon. Thank you for sharing your comments!

  4. Wow! Awesome!

    Thank you for this Michael. I'm excited for the future!
    "Arise, shine, for your light has come,

    and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.

    For behold, darkness covers the earth,

    and thick darkness is over the peoples;

    but the LORD will rise upon you,

    and His glory will appear over you.

    Nations will come to your light,

    and kings to the brightness of your dawn."

    1. Thank you Judy! So glad to be headed into the future with you! We are heading towards that 7 times hotter moment we discussed years ago.

  5. Dear Bro. Michael;

    Count me in. We were created for this time and place. HE knows the future and where we fit in HIS plans.

    Blessings for all that you do.

    Gal; 2:20.

    Ken Neill.

  6. Amen! Thank God for Mr. Michael Pink, who stands for what is right and a living testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness.

    Thank you so much sir for your generosity to share your talent and being a salt and light in this fallen world and sharing our Lord Jesus to the marketplace.

    God bless you and your family. You are a great blessing to the Body of Christ.

  7. Michael I have benefited on sales sine your first book some years ago and your teaching how to grow as a follower My Lord Jesus. Thanks for your faithfulness. May our Lord continue to bless your efforts.

    1. Hey Bob… Thank you so much for posting your comment. What a blessing! I’m going to email you my latest book 7 Secrets of the Sale as a gift. Blessings my friend!

    1. Hi Jenny… Thanks for sharing! I know you and Mark must be feeling the brunt of the lockdowns, etc. Australia seems to be under extra oppression at the moment. Love and blessings to you both from Judy and me!

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