“For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.” (2 Corinthians 1:20)
I have been writing about the favor of God raining down on us in 2009. This will be an incredible year despite the biggest economic storm we have seen in our lifetime. But here’s the really big news… You will miss it if you are passive about it.
Faith requires action. Just because you are a Christian doesn’t mean you will get in on the rain of favors falling from Heaven this year. All the promises of God are received with a “Yes!” and an “Amen!” A few years ago the pastor of the very small country church I attend in a cow pasture made the statement that he believed our new building, less than a year old, would be paid in full on the one year anniversary.
When he said that, an “Amen!” popped out of my mouth before I knew what hit me. The pastor locked eyes with me and agreed with me with another “Amen!” I knew in that moment that our building would be paid off despite the fact there were only a couple dozen families in the fellowship and none of them above middle class. It would require over $50,000 in a single offering.
On that first year anniversary there was an apple box you could drop your offering in if you thought of it because there was no formal taking of the offering. In fact, I never heard it mentioned after that one comment in the middle of his sermon many weeks before, but on that anniversary date, without any prompting or prodding from the pulpit the building was paid for in full!
The kind of “Amen!” I got when the pastor mentioned he believed the building would be paid off on the anniversary date is the same kind of “Amen!” I have in my heart now for the rain of favors falling from Heaven. You can get in on it too if you wish. Our success is not contingent upon the state of our economy and God wants to show Himself strong in the midst of the calamity. Are you ready to be the vehicle through which He does this? Say “Yes!” and “Amen!” to His promises. Be specific and act on your belief. Don’t just talk about it.