“But faith which works by (is energized by) love” (Galatians 5:6)
I believe one of the biggest reasons our faith is weak in this age is because we really don’t know how it works. Faith receives its power, its impetus, its force, its effectual working power from love. While I have spoken on this before, for the first time I am seeing it differently. Hear me out… If we really, really knew how much God loved us, I believe we would be bursting with faith.
Our problem has a lot to do with not knowing or not believing how much He really loves us. Many of us believe He makes us sick to teach us a lesson or that he afflicts us with horrible circumstances that we may mature. Would you do that to your child? Bottom line is that if we had any real clue as to just how much He loves us, we would not blame Him for evil and more to the point, we would believe everything He says.
God wants a better life for you than you do for yourself. God loves you more than you can think or imagine. When you and I get a hold of just how much He loves us, and that He would never lie to us, then faith will arise like a mighty bulwark. If you want to grow in faith, spend time reading about His love in the Scripture. Spend time reflecting on all the ways He has shown you love. Understand that the best you can imagine is pitifully short of the truth. When you know… I mean really know… how much God loves you, your faith will immediately strengthen and grow. Have a blessed weekend my dear brothers and sisters.