7 Secrets of the Sale

7 Secrets From An Ancient BIBLICAL Blueprint

That Helped Me Have A 100% Closing Rate

(And Transform A Struggling Team of Three Agents Into The 16th Fastest

Growing, Privately Held Company In America On The INC 500 List!)

What Others Are Saying...

Zig Ziglar's SUCCESS 2.0 Webcast

"We asked Michael to present his Biblically based sales training program... Not only was it one of the highest response rates ever... but the content was so impacting, our chat rooms filled up quickly and remained full for the duration of the event."

"Without Equal!"

"You are a truly inspiring teacher and we are blessed to have you as a friend and an educational mainstay of the NACFC (National Association of Christian Financial Consultants)." Mark Minnella, President


"The techniques Michael outlines will help make any product successful and should even be considered during the development phase." Wes Cantrell - Former CEO of 3M/Lanier Worldwide

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