Michael Q. Pink

How Would Your Income Change If You Had A 90% Closing Rate On Your Sales Presentations?

Here's Just A Taste Of What You'll Get...

  • How to avoid the huge mistake I call the "Marty Syndrome" that substitutes virtue for results, when in fact they're not opposed to be mutually exclusive! (page 47)
  • The actual blueprint description that housed the most important historical artifact in human history and the three distinct levels that determine your success. (page 61)List Element
  • The blueprint models the PERFECT SALES PROCESS for bringing prospects incrementally along the sales continuum. It's called the E.A.S.Y. Close Sales Process. No pressure required! (page 85)
  • Reclaiming the inner genius God planted in you but has been buried by lies you were told and believed. (page 68)
  • The 5 character choices that determine your boundaries. If you want to expand your boundaries, be sure to read this! (page 71)
  • The 3 success habits to help you "turn pro" found in Level 1 of the Moses Blueprint (page 79)
  • What the 7 Spirits of God (Isaiah 11:2) teach us about how to effectively create compelling and convincing interest in the mind and heart of even the coldest of prospects. (page 85)
  • Why facts without desire have little impact, and how the mystery of the 12 tribes represented by 12 loaves of bread reveals 12 strategies for awakening a strong desire for your offer. (page 105)
  • The 4 essential components for providing unshakeable justification for your offer, to bring the heart to wisdom (Psalm 90) as revealed in the "mystery of the incense" inside Level 2. (page 117)
  • How to experience Level 3 results (realm of the supernatural and "100-fold" increase). How to combine faith and grace for results that defy natural explanation. (page 121)
  • High Probability Selling adapted from the Parable of the Sower. How to get 84% of the desired result with just 17% of the effort! (page 139)
  • How to neutralize 7 major conflicts you may encounter from hostile prospects or customers, so you can win the battle for their heart. (page 152)
  • Learn 7 ways to awaken the highest form of human motivation when it comes to business (trust) as modeled by Jesus and summed up by the Apostle Paul. (page 161)
  • How the Moses Questioning Strategy will help you close way more sales by simply asking more of the RIGHT KIND OF QUESTIONS. (page 171)
  • 7 Ways to COMMUNICATE WITH IMPACT as modeled by Jesus that will help you make your message stick! (page 181)
  • How to maximize your negotiating profits without taking advantage of others. 31 strategies for win / win negotiations modeled by the Apostle Paul that changed history! (page 197)
  • Life without limits! How what you believe about everything, profoundly affects the boundaries or limits you set for yourself and the success you'll enjoy for the rest of your life. (page 207)

And so MUCH MORE...

If you’re in sales or have your own business and you want to help more folks, earn more money and become the "go to" person in your market, this may be your "kairos" moment (moment of opportunity).

But First...

DISCLAIMER: What you are about to read is unlike anything you've seen before. It will challenge your paradigms and unsettle the status quo.

I believe it to be, by far, the most effective sales system ever devised. I've seen it transform not only my life very dramatically, but also the lives of countless others.

It has the potential to dramatically increase your sales while retaining profitability in every deal. For some the result will be evident on their very next call. For others, it may take longer.

 However, it is the HARDEST "easy work" you will ever do. (Hebrews 4:11 KJV).

It is NOT a get rich quick scheme, even though some have had that experience.

It in no way encourages a poor work ethic, but rather it encourages an empowered work ethic where you get much more done in far less time.

If you're looking for the magic "close" that will make you rich, this is NOT that!

Even though I did average a 90% closing rate in the highly competitive copier business years ago, please do not assume you will do the same

Results will vary depending on your industry, demand for your product or service, etc.

I Failed To Make That Disclaimer Years Ago & Here's What Happened...

I was contacted by a new salesman who in his first month or two had yet to make a sale. He heard my story of how I got 22 sales from my first 22 presentations once I discovered this Biblical approach. 

He went out the next week and thought he should close 100% like I did. 


As a result, he went out and made 8 presentations and expected to make 8 sales, despite the fact that he was still very new and had yet to make this first sale!

As it turned out, he followed my sales advice very closely and ended up closing all 8 sales, earning more money in that week than he ever made in a month before!

I consider that result to be the exception, in part because very few salespeople are as teachable as he was. (When you're a newbie with no sales, you tend to be more open to instruction.😊)

Closing rates will vary greatly depending on what you're selling. For example, I was asked to train AND coach a sales team averaging about a 2% closing rate.

We didn't get remotely close to 90% but I was able to help them go from 3 struggling agents to become the fastest growing real estate brokerage on the INC 500 list two years in a row!

Despite having a much lower closing rate, several of their agents were earning several hundred thousand dollars a year with no evening or weekend work, so they were all quite happy!

The bottom line is that this sales process is proven and can deliver MASSIVE results when correctly implemented. 

What you're about to learn is the system and strategy I used to turn many a failing company and struggling sales rep around. 

It's my hope that you will also MULTIPLY your sales!

When I've taught my sales system and strategy to corporate clients, they've paid me well into the six figures to transform their teams, their revenue and their profits. 

That's because it works!

So, if that sounds good to you, let's jump in...

A Book Like No Other...

Originally released as "Supernatural Selling" this book contains over 230 pages of insights and stories that you can download and begin using now.
Discover the MOSES BLUEPRINT found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and confirmed in the book of Exodus that reveals how to apply the "secrets of God" in your sales and business. (Proverbs 25:2)
The strategies in this book are not just Biblically compatible... They're BIBLICALLY DERIVED! The impact on your professional, financial, personal, and spiritual life is without rival.

This Book Will Show You How To...

  • Work less, while earning moreNo more eating the bread of anxious toil... (Psalm 127:2 ESV)
  • Have high confidence in even the most challenging sales situations (because you'll be operating on a totally different level than your nearest competitor.)
  • Practically apply mercy and truth in your business dealings and instead of it being costly to your business, you can BECOME HIGHLY FAVORED in your market.
  • Help a lot more people get what they truly need and genuinely want - so you can have what you need and want for you and your family.
  • Overcome call reluctance because you no longer feel unprepared or vulnerable on a sales call, even if you're walking in stone cold!
  • Get on the path of true success where you walk close to God, and enjoy a quality of life that provides well for your family and gives generously to every good work... (2 Corinthians 9:8)
  • Become a respected, top sales performer so you can have a platform of credibility to share your faith and be taken seriously. (After hitting the top, I was able to lead most of my team to Christ!)
  • Earn more money in less time by identifying and working your truly qualified, high pay-off opportunities.

Here's The BIG SECRET So Many Miss...

Everything You Need To Know Is Embedded in Scripture!

2 Peter 1:3 says, "His divine power has given to us ALL THINGS THAT PERTAIN TO LIFE and godlinessthrough the KNOWLEDGE OF HIM (JESUS) who called us by glory and virtue."  

John 1 tells us that Jesus is the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us. 

So, we can come to know Jesus in no small measure, through the Word of God (and of course, by the Spirit).

But so many people relegate Scripture to "spiritual matters" and Sunday morning preaching, when in fact it is the Word, who is a person, whose name is Jesus, who wants to instruct us in His ways that we may "prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers". (3 John 2)

Not only is God not adverse to business and showing us His ways, but in Isaiah 48:17 He says, "I am the Lord your God who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go."

Sadly, in their quest for quick riches, so many eagerly follow after the ungodly and emulate their ways. But Psalm 1 lays out the path, but few there be that walk down it...

Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.

The thing is though, God hides choice pieces of His wisdom for us to search out and discover (Proverbs 25:2). The key to unlocking that wisdom is found in Joshua 1...

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, (what you say)

but you shall meditate in it day and night, (what you think on)
that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. (what you do)
For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Biblical Is Great, BUT DOES IT WORK?

Over the years, I've trained and coached anything from Fortune 100 companies like Sysco Foods and Lucent Technologies to struggling startups.  

What I found is that the big companies are typically looking for an incremental boost in their revenues, but the smaller companies, (including startups), are either struggling to survive and need a lifeline or they have their eyes set on rapid growth.

Watch this short video from a serial entrepreneur to hear how what's inside the book you're about to be offered, helped him take one insolvent company to $30 million in sales with a $6 million profit in just 12 months!

Oh yeah, and how another one of his struggling companies became the fastest growing real estate brokerage in the history of the INC 5000! 

Watch It Now...

Click The Button Below To Get Your Book Right Now

(And Change The Trajectory Of Your Life Forever!)

For just $5.90, you can download my 230 page book, 7 Secrets Of The Sale - Hidden Strategies From The Bible, and get your life, sales and business experiencing massive upward growth without sacrificing your values, your family or your health!

What If The Book Is A Big Let Down?

Given all the fluff and empty promises on the internet, it's only natural for you to be skeptical.

In fact, that's healthy.

So, let's do this...

Buy my book now for $5.90. (You can download it right away.)

If you dislike it for ANY REASON...

Just let me know, and I'll refund you the $5.90 right away.

And you don't have to return anything.

My Book Is Only $5.90, BUT... 
What Is It Costing You To Not Have It?

Ignorance (lack of knowledge) is very expensive which may be why Proverbs 10:14 tells us that "the wise store up knowledge" because it is in fact more precious than fine gold which can only be spent once.

You absolutely don't need my book to gain the knowledge I am sharing. You can get it for yourself from the pages of Scripture.

It took me 34 years to proactively search out, test and prove out the Biblical wisdom in the competitive, rough and tumble world of sales and business.

It might not take you that long.

But more importantly, it doesn't have to.

I invite you to stand on my shoulders and go further than I ever dreamed.

But Don't Just Take My Word For It...

Zig Ziglar Success 2.0 Webcast

“Two weeks ago we asked Michael Pink to present his Biblically based sales training program to our Success 2.0 Webcast.

Not only was it one of the highest response rates ever for registration, but the content was so impacting our chat rooms filled up quickly and remained full for the duration of the event.”

"I have seen my sales increase by up to 100% conservatively."

"I expected a high impact, super motivating program...what I got was much, much better 

Since I have been using this program, I have seen my sales increase by up to 100% conservatively. 

I also signed our company's largest client...an account worth over 8.2 million dollars! I never would have called on them if I hadn't done what was suggested in the program."

Ken Dulaney, Sales & Marketing Director, 
Alliance Collection Services

"Michael wore his faith like I wanted to. He was the best teacher of the art of selling I've ever known."

I met David in January of 1987. It was my first day as the new sales manager for a copier company in TN.

The company was trying to fit him into their "wolf" armor, but it didn't feel right. He was trying but failing. 

The first thing I remember telling David was that he had to quit trying to wear the corporate armor, conforming to the corporate ideal of what a good salesman looked and acted like.

In other words, "You don't need to be a wolf to succeed!" He needed to be himself. He was dyslexic and stumbled through his presentations. I coached him on Level 1 tactics and steered him towards his strengths. 

He began to shine and grow in confidence. In just one year, he went from dead last to first on his team and stayed with them for a quarter century finishing at #1 for most of those years!

But, Will It Work For YOU - If You're NEW TO SALES?

Watch How This Highly Skilled Tradesman Transitioned Into A New Career in Sales And Became The Top Salesman In The Company For 18 Months Straight!

"I have followed other great teachers, but this is different. The results speak for themselves. I have the only perfect goal making record in my region for 16 consecutive months, & I've broken sales records." Jim Wright, New Horizons Computer Learning


7 SECRETS OF THE SALE Has Already Helped Countless
Thousands Around The World Experience Incredible Sales Results

The Question Is... Are YOU Ready For This?

Are You Ready To Live Your Life 

On A Whole New Level?

Friends. There is a whole new life awaiting you. 

It's one of achievement with contentment. It offers success and stability, recognition and reward. 

But, it's not without effort.

I believe there is nothing better than the pure Word of Scripture to inform us on life's issues, and yes, that includes selling and business!

No doubt you’ve heard others talk about success. You may have even purchased their programs in the past, only to find out that their success was built on people like you buying them, rather than on their own past, proven, accomplishments.

Haggai, the fiery Old Testament prophet, reminds us that when the unclean mixes with the clean, they both become unclean. Jesus said it simply; “a little leaven, leavens the whole.”

May I encourage you sincerely... Get THIS book. It's only $5.90

It's my way of introducing myself and what I've learned in over 45 years of sales and business life - to you.

This is my 15th book and my previous books have sold hundreds of thousands of copies. 

I say all this to tell you, that you getting this book and reading it, will in no way altar my life. 

It won't change a thing for me, but I know, that I know, that I know... 

It can be the beginning of a seismic shift in your life!


This $5.90 price is a test. 

For a short time, it was available for free when it first came out. Now, it's $5.90. 

A typical online price for a business book is between $15 - $20. This will be too. 

But for now, it's still $5.90

I received an inquiry a while back from a gentleman starting a new position in sales. We didn't know each other but he was interested in buying some of my course material. 

Instead, I advised him to get a copy of 7 SECRETS OF THE SALE to get started on the learning curve. 

A week or so later, I received this unsolicited email from him... 

"I wanted to share a testimony. This weekend I was working our sales table at an event in Nashville. Using what I learned in your book I sold $20,349.00 worth of our product when the tables around me didn't even do half of that. I even had people thank me for selling to them. That's never happened before! Thanks for sharing your book with me."

Like All Offers, This One Has A Time Limit, 

So, Claim Your Copy Now

When you get the book and apply what it says, let me know about your story, how it impacted your life. When I hear back from you, as a way of thanking you for staying in touch, I will send you my first business book, The Bible Incorporated - In Your Life, Job & Business in digital form. 

It's pure Scripture, compiled without commentary on 101 work and business topics. It went on to become one of the best selling Christian business books of all time.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out. I'm excited about what the future holds for you! 

Enjoy your book and let me know how you do with it!


Michael Q. Pink

P.S.  In case you're like my wife who quickly scrolls to the bottom of the page to see what the bottom line is and whether there is some kind of catch, this note is for you...

You can click on the button below and tell us where to send your digital copy of 7 SECRETS OF THE SALE. It's just $5.90. No shipping costs to cover. No printing costs to cover. No monthly program to sign up for first.

So, get it now, and if you like it and share with me how it impacted your life in some way, I'll email you one of the best selling Christian business books of all time... The Bible Incorporated - In Your Life, Job & Business, as a way of saying thanks for staying in touch.

Fair enough?

Enjoy your book NOW...

Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; A stranger, and not your own lips. (Proverbs 27:2)

"The membership has overwhelmingly expressed their joyful appreciation for the time and energy you poured into your presentation. Personally, I was blessed to overflowing. 

You’re application of Biblical principles is without equal and you easily motivate us to use them in our daily lives. You are a truly inspiring teacher and we are blessed to have you as a friend and an educational mainstay of the NACFC (National Association of Christian Financial Consultants)."

Mark Minnella, 
President, NACFC

"You were born with the heart of William Wallace… 

As one of America’s Greatest Teachers and Evangelists with a destiny to knight businessmen and women in the army of God. 

It is an honor to know and learn from you. You are one of my hero’s."

John Beehner, CEO 
Wise Counsel

"I want to thank you for your excellent presentation. Without a doubt, it far exceeded our expectations! 

Many of the people in attendance have been through a number of sales training seminars prior to yours but remarked that this was the best they had ever participated in. Not only was the material something we could begin applying immediately in a practical way, but it was highly entertaining in content and style."

Carl Jeffrey Wright- CEO 
Urban Ministries International

"Among the many benefits, 7 Secrets of the Sale provides, is a clear and concise process for developing a selling strategy with practical tactics for every prospect you care enough about to implement Michael’s teachings for. 

While not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to attend one of Michael’s live trainings as I have, modern technology allows anyone, serious about their business development goals, to experience the benefits over and over again for continuous improvement. I highly recommend this investment in yourself and your future.” 

Wes Holsapple, N.Y. Times and Wall Street Journal #3 Best Seller; Masters of Networking - Contributing Author

"The coaching call you did went just outstanding. I truly hope that we can work together in a significant way over the next several years."

Ron Blue, CEO

Kingdom Advisors

"I rarely endorse or recommend a product or service for fear of damaging my own testimony or that of our church. I have known Michael for almost 20 years now and can testify that his testimony of God's faithfulness is incredible and his integrity in business and life is beyond reproach.  

I promise you these products are worth every penny and absolutely will work EVERY TIME. It’s an easy promise to keep because they are not based on my word or even Michael’s word. They are based on God’s Word and that NEVER fails!

If you need a personal guarantee, then call me. I will make arrangements with you to buy back anything that you buy from Michael that doesn’t work if you will apply it like he says for a minimum of 3 months."  Gary D. Carty, Senior Pastor at Berean Baptist Church of Wichita