Learn From One of America’s Top Business Coaches How to Systemize and Scale Your Business

Systemize and Scale Your Business To Turn it Into a Perpetual Cash Machine in 36 Months or Less And Never Work Again

From The TEDX Speaker Who Helped Michael Gerber Take E-Myth Worldwide And Spent the Next 23 Years Perfecting The Art & Science of Simplifying, Systemizing and Scaling Your Business

The benefit of owning your own business is NOT so you can work 12 - 18 hour days and rarely take a vacation - while consoling yourself by saying at least you're not working for the man!

The reason for having your own business is to unleash that innate God-given desire to build something of worth, to have something of means, and to live as free men and women in the place and manner of your choosing.

Whether that's turning your business into your own personal ATM machine that runs profitably and efficiently without you, or scaling and selling for a high payoff exit, it's 100% achievable and requires no magic formulas or secret strategies.

It's going to be hard work before it becomes super easy. But it is so worth it!

If it was just a matter of working hard, you'd have already succeeded. It's about simplifying the complex, and systemizing the activities and processes that make your business run. 

The big benefit of owning a business is about the satisfaction that comes from consistently delivering high value to your customers in a stressless manner while generating the kind of profit that enables real freedom of choice in life.

There's something about the exhilaration of accomplishment that only comes when the prize worth pursuing is met with resistance... The kind of resistance that succumbs to the persistent application of uncomplicated knowledge and bends the knee to irrefutable wisdom.

But that victory we speak of, (and all of us seek), seems elusive at best and fictional at worst.

We pursue this idea of freedom and abundance with great fervor and hope, but rarely find it. In fact, only 4% of small business startups get to year five with any team intact and any profit in hand. That's astonishing and yet completely fixable.

What do the 4% know? What are they doing differently? And how can you be numbered among them?

I'm speaking of the ones who dare to believe in their dreams, despite the obstacles and perhaps even because of them. I'm referring to those who've encountered the buzz saw of costly mistakes, but persist anyway - until they succeed, believing and somehow knowing, they will find the way.

If you're on that journey, I want to help you make that a reality. Whether you're looking to scale and sell - or scale to shift, there is a proven path that any business can follow to get there.

Scale Your Business

After helping Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame lead the "turn-key revolution" as Director of Training, I spent the next 23 years working one-on-one with over 1000 business owners perfecting and refining the systems and processes that make succeeding in business as inevitable as the changing of seasons.

Sell Your Business

                                                                                                           The rules for succeeding in business may not be well known, but they're not secret. They're well within reach of anyone! 

There are however THREE CORE CONCEPTS that when operational, make your business both unusually profitable and exceptionally valuable for resale, should you desire to cash in your chips and take on something new.

Sure, you might could sell your business right now as is, but when you've simplified its running, systemized its processes, and made it scalable, the difference in outcomes can be several multiples higher.

Consider Ken Simmons... A serial entrepreneur who wanted to scale up and sell his company for a good multiple. The problem was, his business depended entirely on him, which makes any business harder to sell.

Sure, he did several million in annual revenue and had a great team around him, but in his words, it was like having 80 umbilical cords all tied to him! (Can you relate?)

Once he learned what the 4% knew, we helped him simplify and systemize his business using our proprietary methods forged in the crucible of over 1000 business turnarounds.

As a result, Ken was able to increase the multiple he could sell his business for, from the industry standard of 3X to an extraordinary 11X, nearly quadrupling its value with a net gain of many millions of dollars!

Now catch this...

Ken already had a good business with 80 employees. He was profitable - but he wasn't satisfied. He knew things could and should be better, maybe even a lot better, but honestly didn't know where to start.

The dramatic increase in value and profit began with a simple assessment tool we call the "Flagship Assessment". Until you know where you are, you can't map out a strategy to get where you're going. This assessment gives you your starting point!

If growing your businessincreasing productivity and having a lot more freedom to enjoy the fruits of your labor are on your list of priorities, then you're going to love this tool. And for a limited time, when you use the promo code "spark", it's free.

The Flagship Business Assessment Tool

CLICK HERE For Your Assessment. (No credit card required)


Take Brian for example... He and his wife ran a business with a dozen employees. They were in the 96% group. No matter his staffing levels, the business always seemed to demand more of his time, creating enormous stress and tension in his personal life. 

After having his eyes opened to the real issues in his business, revealed by the 12-point Flagship Assessment, Brian quickly made the necessary adjustments and then left his business in the hands of his employees while embarking on a 3-month dream European vacation with his entire family.

It was the trip of a lifetime and his business actually ran better and more smoothly while he was gone, simply because he implemented the strategies he learned to simplify and systemize his business.

Does that sound like something you'd like to do?... Make real money AND enjoy life with your family?!?!  What a concept!

Take the Flagship Assessment RIGHT NOW to find out what's working best, what needs intervention and what just needs some fine tuning. (Use promo code "spark" to get the $195 assessment fully discounted.) If you find the assessment helpful and would like some help to course correct, we can come alongside your business and help you with that. 

Our coaching and education programs are geared towards helping small business owners literally turn their business into their own perpetual cash machine in 36 months OR LESS, giving them the freedom to either keep it and enjoy the cash flow or sell it for the big payoff.

And if you respond now while you're thinking about it, I'll throw in ONE MORE freebie... It's a 1-hour online course called "Eliminating Time Debt." It sells at my conferences for $359 but it's yours FREE when you take the Flagship Assessment .

This bonus online course will help you get your energy and focus back! Free yourself and your business from the burden of the clock... and start using time to your advantage.  

Here's what some others have to say...


I've known Eric Beck and been wowed by his depth of knowledge and strength of character for nearly 25 years. He's been a guest speaker at one of my conferences where once they heard what he could do for them, lined up to become his client, booking him solid for the next year! I've referred several of my clients to him and without exception they were thrilled with how he was able to help them!  He's a national treasure!

MichaelPink.com - Best selling author, Selling Among Wolves