A Once in a 4-Generation Opportunity is Upon Us...
How To Turn The Coming Economic Crisis Into A Remarkable Entrepreneurial Opportunity In The Next 12 Months
Online Symposium: Nov 12 & 14 at 8 PM EST
We Sit On The Precipice of History
Seismic change is coming like a freight train.
There's no stopping it. You can either get run over by it, sit on the sidelines and watch it unfold, or you can prepare for it and position yourself and your family for influence and success in the reality that will soon be upon us.
It's called the Fourth Turning and it brings major crisis
and emerging opportunities every 80 - 100 years. In America we had the Revolutionary War enabling the U.S. to lay the foundation for what would become the largest economy in the world with inventions like the steamboat and cotton gin.
Next turning was the Civil War followed by the "Gilded Age" of economic expansion with new technologies like electricity, telephone and major advances in oil drilling and refinement and steel production.
The next turning began with the Great Depression, culminating in WW2 and was followed by technological advances in computing, nuclear energy, space travel and medical breakthroughs leading to the longest sustained period of economic growth in U.S. history, known as the "post-war boom."
Each "fourth turning crisis" was more substantial by order of magnitude than the previous and was followed by advancements that dwarfed the previous ones by a similar order of magnitude.
Today, we are staring down the barrel of the next fourth turning...
It's actually our fourth, "fourth turning" in America which, if pattern is prophecy, we are in store for more than we can imagine. The bigger the crisis, the bigger the opportunity for advancement.
Join futurist and former worldwide director of training for E-Myth, Eric Beck and me as we unpack what's coming and what it will take to thrive fearlessly in the midst of change!
Module 1: Two Immutable Frameworks for Success
The Ultimate SUCCESS Framework: Discover the 10-pieced framework designed by God for succeeding in life. Guiding your life by it, truly makes "all things possible" to him who believes. (Mark 9:23) Get ready for a truly life-changing revelation!
Authorized Intelligence vs AI: Great business ideas and breakthrough innovations are waiting for you to unseal that will make the Renaissance Period seem like the Dark Ages! Discover the 7-step framework for thinking - designed by God - and used by Da Vinci, Einstein and George Washington Carver to position you for success in this fourth turning.
Module 2: Biblical Revenue Generation Secrets
Biblical Laws of MARKETING: How God reached out to a fallen world and invited us into His incredible value proposition of life more abundantly. It all began with what I call the Early Rain Campaign, aka the Tease Campaign.
High Probability SELLING: Three conditions must be present for high probability selling to take place. In the Parable of the Sower, only one of the four scenarios Jesus describes meets all three conditions. Hence the 30 - 60 - 100 fold return. Knowing what those conditions are and how to uncover them can dramatically increase your sales.
Michael Q. Pink is a true pioneer in the world of sales and business. Since 1988, he has been at the forefront of applying Biblical Strategy and Natural Law to sales and business practices. His innovative approach has earned him widespread recognition, including his own daily radio spot for seven years, which grew to nearly 200 stations nationwide. A few years ago, Michael led a fledgling sales team to become the 16th fastest-growing company on the INC 500 list. In addition to his successful career, Michael is the founder of the JESUS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and is also a prolific author, having published over 20 books and sold hundreds of thousands of copies.
Module 1: Why Small Business is the Key to America's Comeback
Ownership Automation: Build the mindset of AN "owner" in everything you do. Build equity everywhere you go. Start generating lasting wealth via a new strategy called "Process Enhanced Equity". Q How much indestructible equity is in your portfolio?
Biblical Decision Making: Stop hoping and start activating by aligning your efforts with your divine assignment. Q. How do you currently measure up to the level of thinking required by your calling?
God's Plan is Ownership: It's time to lead a slave revolt. Spartakos, Moses, Jesus, & MLK all were interested in throwing off the true source of slavey, permantly. Q. What do you own & what owns you?
Module 2: Generating Family Wealth
Financial Escape Velocity: Livable -> Comfortable -> Incredible. Learn about the three phases of long term wealth generation and how to escape the soul crushing gravity of the time for money game. Q. If trading your time for money was going to work, wouldn't it have done so already?
The 4th Turning - A Once in a 4-Generation Opportunity: J. D. Rockefeller said, "When there's blood in the streets, buy." The sons of Issacher were able to "discern the times & knew what to do." Q. Can you clearly see the hidden patterns of opportunity that have been in the making for four generations?
Creating Opportunity - Reserved seating available once every 120 years: They say timing is everything. But they're wrong. Timing only matters if at the right time you're in the right position. Positioning is key for Acheivement. Q. What is the one positioning skill that if understood unlocks income and impact on a mind blowing scale?
Eric Beck, CEO at Founder’s Fire - MasterCoaching for Entrepreneurs is my friend and former International Director of Training for E-Myth. He is one of the world’s most provocative thinkers about our society’s growing lack of meaning at work and the way to reconnect and empower the digital generational by creating a new “game worth playing” at work, in schools, in families, and in our institutions. Eric has worked with entrepreneurs, leaders, governments, & businesses to help people reach their creative maximum. He has spoken to over 10,000 people live drawing on his experience as a US Army Vet, Jazz musician, Educator, and 22 year strategic business coach.
Registration closes for NIGHT TWO on November 14th at 8 PM Eastern
You missed out!
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