August 6


Here’s What Happened…

By Michael Q. Pink

August 6, 2016

startup, ultimate bundle, ultimate startup bundle

Hiker with Map on a Trail

It’s been about a year since I’ve emailed a blog to you and you may be wondering… What happened and Why now? What I am about to tell you could dramatically alter your life course. Let me explain…

First: What Happened?

In short, I took a break from teaching so I could apply what I teach to a fledgling commercial real estate enterprise. Within six months, that battle weary three-man sales team had quadrupled in size and were producing stellar results. Fast forward another six months and the sales team mushroomed to about eight times larger than when we started and are doing fantastically well.

I tell you this because it’s important for those of us who teach, to continue honing and developing our God given abilities in practical and demonstrable ways. When I return to full time teaching, I will have so much more to pass on to you!

Why would I return to teaching when business is so much more lucrative? It’s simple really. I know I can help folks get up and running with their dream in a way that I only wished was available when I was coming up through the ranks. I love helping people. But for now, I am focusing on helping the team I lead in this very unique, highly successful commercial real estate venture.

Second: Why am I writing you now?

My son Ryan called me from British Columbia to tell me that he and Stephanie had paid off the house they had purchased two years ago and were now moving to Ottawa, Canada into a beautiful home and community. (Paid off their house in one of the highest priced markets in North America, in only two years?!?!?!? Are you kidding me?! No, he wasn’t!)

It was only a few years earlier that Ryan had won a one-year battle with cancer. It was that battle that reoriented his priorities so significantly, that when he got strong again, he quit his job and together, they started a few businesses, all of which flourish to this day. I’m hoping his story and what you’re about to learn will inspire you to reorient your future and actually step into your dreams without needing a major life crisis to jolt you into action.

Realizing up close and personal how fragile life can be, Ryan and Stephanie packed up their four kids and took them on a 32 nation, 13-month, round the world trip. It was on this trip that they launched another enterprise working from laptops at internet café’s in Rwanda, Argentina, Greece, all over Europe, even China and Australia. Their success on the road while fulfilling their dream, allowed them to cover all their travel and living expenses while saving up a huge down payment for their first home.

So Ryan calls me a couple weeks ago…

“Pop… I’m doing another information bundle. This one’s for business, especially startups. We don’t have anything like what you teach. Would you consider letting me include your awesome Selling Among Wolves coaching program? We already have over $3,000 worth of great resources and yours would really top it off. By the way, we’re offering the entire package for only $97 .

Naturally, I agreed to this ridiculous offer because he’s my son and I am so very proud of him. How he got Michael Hyatt, the Ziglar organization, Yanik Silver and other terrific contributors to buck up, I am not sure. But what I do know, is that it was conditional. He was only licensed to offer this package for six days! (It all goes away Monday night.)

And that is why I’m interrupting my incredible adventure in commercial real estate to tell you about the chance to get a package of business tools that I only wish I could have gotten my hands on many years ago. Would have saved a lot of heartbreak and disappointment! It includes 58 books available digitally, 12 full-fledged business courses (including my Selling Among Wolves Audio Program) and 5 super good bonuses. A total retail value of $3,300 for only $97. It’s crazy value. Check them out here.

I know better than most, the power of information.

It is the absolute fuel that feeds and sustains creativity and innovation! I’ve looked over this package and it covers every major facet of business with actual tools you can employ in your business. If you’ve ever wanted to access high value entrepreneurial training but it was too expensive, this is your one chance to get it all at a 97% discount!

Seriously, you should take a look at it, if for no other reason than to read their amazing story and be inspired. So, check it out now, because as I realized this morning, his six-day license agreement expires Monday night at midnight (PST). (Sorry for the late notice) Anyone who orders will have a full year to download all the resources and of course, he always gives a 30-day happiness guarantee.

I hope you will get this and let me know how it helped you!

Michael Q. Pink

About the author

Michael is America's leading authority on applying Biblical Wisdom and Natural Law to sales and business and has authored 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves and God's Best Kept Secrets. Using that knowledge, he has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs experience radical transformation in their lives and careers, including helping a start-up with 3 struggling sales reps turn the corner and become the 16th fastest growing company on the INC 500 list. 

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